The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 4071-4100 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 4071

Charlie looked at the old man in front of him, who was already in his dotage,

Smiled slightly and said blandly, “Hello Mr. Fei, my name is Charlie Wade.”

Douglas felt that his body was indeed a bit more energetic than before,

So he struggled to get up and wanted to salute Charlie, but Charlie reached out to stop him and spoke,

“Mr. Fei, your body is still weak, so don’t put exertion.”

Douglas said gratefully: “Mr. Wade …… I have heard of your name for a long time, today I finally got to see ……”

“Thank you for saving my life, if not for your help, I might have died! ……”

Charlie waved his hand, looked at the side towards Stella, spoke:

“If you want to thank, thank your granddaughter, if not owed her some favors,”

“I would not have intervened in such matters.”

Saying that, Charlie added:

“By the way, I would also like to mention Mr. Lai for pleading for you.”

Douglas nodded gently and looked at Stella with tears in his eyes.

As the grandfather and grandchild looked at each other, Stella was also in tears, sobbing.

After that, Douglas looked at Qinghua and sighed softly,

“Elder brother Lai, this matter of your brother has caused you a lot of trouble!”

Qinghua said: “Why are you still polite with me? Besides, I didn’t help much,”

“It’s mainly Mr. Wade and Ke Xin who are helping you.”

Douglas nodded slightly and looked at Charlie again, saying gratefully,

“Mr. Wade, your great kindness, I will definitely bear in mind, but I am now deep in the lap,”

“May not have the ability to actually return your kindness, please do not blame ……”

Douglas knew very well in his heart that from this moment on, he has almost nothing.

Although there are still some funds in the personal account,

But compared to the entire Fei family, only nine cows and a hare.

The vast majority of the Fei family’s assets are no longer relevant to him.

Charlie said indifferently at this moment: “Okay, I saved you and I don’t need anything from you in return,”

“And your current physical condition is not fully recovered and can live a year or two more,

Or a month or two more, but also rely on your own slow recuperation, slow adjustment.”

Douglas nodded his head and said gratefully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade! Thank you!”

Stella also said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, thank you!”

Charlie waved his hand and spoke, “Mr. Fei, I have a question to ask you, please don’t cover it up.”

Although Douglas did not know what Charlie wanted to ask, he still said very firmly,

“Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I will definitely know everything and say everything.”

Charlie nodded slightly and asked him, “Mr. Fei, I want to know,”

“What is the identity of that No. 099 Conrad Huo who bid against you at the auction?”

“Conrad?” Hearing this, Douglas shook his head and smiled bitterly,

“”His name is not Conrad, but when he is outside, he rarely uses his real identity.”

Saying that, Douglas added:

“His real identity is the eldest son of the An family, Marshal An.”

“Marshal An?!”

Charlie heard these two words and his whole body was dumbfounded!

Chapter 4072

In his memory, he had three uncles, his eldest uncle Marshal,

His second uncle Marcus An, and his youngest uncle Martel.

In addition to that, there was a sister-in-law named Tece An.

In fact, these three uncles, as well as a sister-in-law, Charlie met only a handful of times.

But the reason why he could remember their names very clearly was that, like his mother Margaret An’s name.

All were inspired from a classical writing he had read.

Although he did not go to college properly, his family gave him an extraordinary initiation before he was eight years old.

He had been studying classical works under his mother’s tutelage since he was young,

And he has long been familiar with “History” and “Poetry”,

So he naturally remembered the names of his three uncles and his sister-in-law clearly.

And he never dreamed that the 099, who was just expelled from the field, was his own great uncle!

No wonder he looked more or less familiar to him, but could not recall where he had seen him.

After all, his own encounter with him is too little, and more than twenty years have passed,

His appearance has also changed a lot than before when he was in his twenties,

So for a while simply did not recognize him.

Charlie couldn’t help but think: “Great-uncle looked like it’s definitely not for his own,”

“When he was bidding on the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“Otherwise he wouldn’t be pleading to take the Rejuvenation Pill away.”

“Could it be for Grandpa?!”

“But, before the auction, I just talked to Mr. Lai about Grandpa,”

“And Mr. Lai also said clearly that Grandpa, for all this, has always been unbelieving ……”

“Then who was he shooting this rejuvenation pill for?”

Charlie was instantly in deep thought.

Then, he subconsciously looked at Qinghua, who was also puzzled.

Qinghua also guessed the doubt in Charlie’s heart and said with a frown,

“Since Nicolas’s father died, I basically have no dealings with the An family,”

“And now counting, there are more than forty years, but with my understanding of Nicolas,”

“He should not believe in something like the Rejuvenation Pill.”

Hearing this, Charlie finally understood that Qinghua had not seen his great uncle for many years, so he did not recognize him at the auction.

And Stella, who was on the side, just now clearly saw that Charlie’s expression.

It was shocked for a moment when he heard the two words, Marshal An.

Moreover, she also saw with her own eyes, Charlie and Qinghua about this Marshal, seemed to have some kind of eye contact.

At this moment, she instantly realized in her heart,

“Mr. Wade and Mr. Lai, both must have some kind of connection with the An family!”

“Otherwise, Mr. Wade would never show his horror, and the two of them, would never have such eye contact!”

“Mr. Lai would not need to guess, because he just said that,”

“He had no dealings with the An family since the death of Nicolas’s father;”

“This statement is pushed backward, which means that,”

“Mr. Lai had a good friendship with the An family when Nicolas’s father was alive.”

“But Mr. Wade is so young and has been living in the mainland,

How could he be involved with the second-ranked An family in the United States?”

Thinking of this, Stella suddenly remembered another thing.

“My most admired An family’s daughter, Margaret, was married far away to China and down to the Chinese Wade family back then,”

“And then she died young twenty years ago ……”

She could not help but mutter in her heart, “An family …… Margaret ……”

“Wade family …… Zhongquan Wade …… Wade …… Charlie …… Wade ……”

Thinking of this, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and her heart was horrified!

At this moment, she finally guessed all of Charlie’s identity!

“So, he is not only the famous Master Wade of Aurous Hill,”

“But also the eldest son and grandson of the Wade family!”

“Not only that, he’s even the eldest grandson of the An family!”

“It’s the only son of my life idol Margaret An!”

“Legend has it that Margaret, her husband, and son, all perished because of a conspiracy.”

“But unexpectedly, Margaret’s son survived!”

At this moment, Stella finally understood that she, the Miss Fei family,

She thought she was something big when she arrived in Aurous Hill.

But she never dreamed that in this landscape of Aurous Hill, there was a real personality, a dragon, Charlie!

Chapter 4073

Seeing through Charlie’s identity at this moment, it was as if Stella had grabbed the real straw that saved her life.

She suddenly knelt down again and choked up as she begged,

“Young Master Wade, please help my grandfather and help him take back the great power of the Fei family ……”

When Stella’s words came out, Douglas was stunned and dumbfounded.

He could not understand why Stella would beg Charlie to help him take back the great power.

After all, although Charlie has the Rejuvenation Pill,

Even if he gave the Rejuvenation Pill to him, he would only be able to survive.

Surviving is not the same as being able to regain the great power of the Fei family.

Because his own eldest son has acted to eradicate him by the roots, he simply has no way to compete with him.

Even, he may not be able to return to the United States at all.

The reason is that, once he ventured back to the country,

His eldest son will definitely regard him as a thorn in his side, and will not let him go back alive no matter what.

On the other side, Qinghua is both shocked and happy.

Shocked that Stella can penetrate Charlie’s true identity.

The joy is that she really begged the right person, right now,

Apart from Charlie, there is no second person with the ability to help Douglas to regain control of the Fei family.

Charlie was also surprised to the extreme.

He knew that Stella was smart, but he didn’t expect her to be so smart.

It must be that he just heard the name of his great uncle,

He did not control his expression at once and was caught by Stella.

The good thing is that besides Qinghua, it was the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front around him,

They all knew that he was the young master of the Wade family, so Stella’s remark did not expose him out.

So, Charlie also did not want to deny, just look at her, lightly said: “Sorry, this favor I can not give.”

Stella, in a hurry, said offhandedly, “How can that be Wade young master,”

“With your ability, if you are willing to help, there will be a way, as for the conditions, you can just be open about it,”

“I believe that grandfather will definitely promise you ……”

Douglas was astonished beyond words, looked at Stella and asked in a soft voice: “Stella …… you this is ……”

Charlie saw that Stella had already seen through his identity,

So he spoke to the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front around him and said, “You guys go out first.”

“As you command, Mr. Wade!” Several soldiers immediately turned around and walked out.

Charlie then looked at Karl and added, “You gentleman, please also take a moment to leave.”

Karl glanced at Douglas and saw that Douglas nodded, then he gave a glance to Charlie and walked out.

At this moment in the room, only Charlie, Qinghua, and Douglas, Stella.

Charlie looked at Douglas at this time and said seriously,

“Mr. Fei, I am the first grandson of the Eastcliff Wade family,”

“My mother is the eldest daughter of the An family, Margaret An,”

“And that Marshal An who was competing with you just now, is my great uncle.”

When Douglas heard this, his entire jaw dropped.

He said with wide eyes and a face full of horror,

“You …… you are Margaret An’s son? Hasn’t Margaret’s family all passed away?”

Charlie sighed and said seriously, “My parents passed away, but I survived.”

After saying that, he asked him, “The reason why my parents passed away,”

“May I ask if you know any inside information?”

Douglas shook his head and spoke, “Young Master Wade, back then,”

“The news of your mother’s death in China was extremely viral in American high society,”

“Many people said she was killed by someone,”

“But no one knew exactly what exactly happened and who was involved,”

“It is said that the An family has also been investigating,”

“But it has not been identified, and outsiders like us, we have even less knowledge ……”

Chapter 4074

At this time, Stella on the side also spoke: “Young Master Wade, after your mother’s death,”

“Many of her alumni at Stanford, as well as those Silicon Valley bigwigs who had received her investment to become top entrepreneurs,”

“They all have been trying everything to find out the truth about her death for so many years,”

“And until today nothing definite has been found out.”

Hearing this, Charlie’s heart burst with disappointment.

At the earliest, he thought that his parents were killed by the Su family.

But when he found the Su family, he realized that the Su family simply did not have that ability.

Immediately after that, he thought that the Wade family must know the reason why his parents were killed.

But Elder Wade was also confused about it.

Now he felt that Douglas might have insider information that he did not know, but he also knew nothing about it.

What drove Charlie to despair the most was that Grandpa’s family didn’t seem to know the reason either.

Not only that, so many of Mom’s old friends at Stanford, and so many Internet companies she had invested in.

It was so unbelievable that so many of their top smart people joined forces, but they couldn’t find out the clues either.

He now also does not know, he actually has to find the people, in order to explore the clues related to the murder of parents.

And at this time, Douglas looked at Charlie, but his eyes shone with light.

In his opinion, Charlie was the grandson of Nicolas An,

If he could mobilize the strength of the An family, it must not be difficult to help him regain power!

Thus, he hastily pleaded, “Young Master Wade, I dare to implore you to help retake control of the Fei family,”

“If possible, I would like to give 20% of all the Fei family’s industries as a reward!”

Charlie smiled and asked him, “What makes you think I can help you take back the power?”

Douglas said offhandedly, “Young Master Wade, you are the grandson of Mr. Nicolas An,”

“As long as you ask, I think the An family will definitely respond to your request,”

“With the An family’s strength, this matter is not difficult to handle!”

Charlie shook his head and said lightly: “Mr. Fei, this matter, you have a bit taken it for granted,”

“I have not met with the An family for more than twenty years,”

“They do not even know whether I am dead or alive, what makes you think they will respond to my requests?”

Speaking here, Charlie gave a slight beating and asked,

“Moreover, you and I have just met today, what makes you think that I will beg the An family for you?”

“Is it just for your 20% share? You witnessed the auction tonight, if I let my great uncle take that Rejuvenation Pill away,”

“The An family would definitely pay me US$370 billion,”

“But I didn’t even take this money seriously, do you think that your mere 20% of shares, I would look at it?”

Hearing these words, Douglas’s face turned deadly gray.

He just thought that Charlie had the ability to help him.

But now that he thought about it, he suddenly understood that just because Charlie had the ability to help him.

It did not mean that he had the obligation to help.

Thinking of this, he smiled to himself and lamented, “Mr. Wade is right, it is me who is overthinking ……”

At the side, Stella also seemed to suffer a heavy hammer in her heart.

At this moment, she also suddenly realized that the favor she had given to Charlie,

He had already doubled it with half of the Blood Dissipation Heart Saving Pill.

So what qualifications did she have to ask for his help?

At this time, Qinghua sighed and said: “Douglas, I know you are upset, but you should know that you have almost nothing,”

“But the other party has already taken control of the Fei family with a market value of nearly a trillion dollars,”

“With such a big power disparity, you can not win.”

Speaking of this, he added: “Moreover, even if the An family is strong,”

“It is impossible to easily help you grab back the power, this is not a war between two countries,”

“Who is strong, who can destroy the other side, this is the era of peace, is the rule of the law society,”

“Everything must be in line with basic legal principles.”

“Your son seized your power, relying on the highest emergency plan,”

“A reasonable and legal way, the An family seize your son’s power, relying on what?”

“Will it rely on the substitution of God’s justice?”

Chapter 4075

Qinghua’s words, for Douglas momentarily has no way to refute,

Instead, he is inwardly now more deeply hit.

And Qinghua seems to want to completely wake up this old friend at once, so he continued:

“Douglas, you have to understand, your son has not simply usurped your position,”

“He is stirring up the civil and military ministers together to overthrow your dynasty,”

“Your desire for the Rejuvenation Pill had become an obsession,”

“You prepared 200 billion dollars just to compete for the Pill,”

“This was bound to greatly stimulate your children and grandchildren,”

“As well as your other shareholders on the board.”

“I say in other words, you are like the old emperor in ancient times,”

“One who did not hesitate to use the power of a nation for himself in exchange for a long life,”

“Your children and grandchildren, your civil and military ministers are no longer able to see it the way you do,”

“And they not only no longer embrace you, but also no longer trust you,”

“They even regard you as a faint ruler and tyrant, and only want to get everything back on track after overthrowing you!”

“Think about it yourself, if you hadn’t lost everyone’s support yourself,”

“How could your eldest son have so easily and completely, snatched away your great power?”

Speaking here, Qinghua paused slightly for a moment and said emotionally,

“Douglas, everything has a cause and effect, you have to reflect on yourself!”

At this moment, Douglas’s whole body was struck by lightning.

Before this, he only knew that it was his son who seized his power.

And snatched away the dynasty he had worked so hard to build.

But now he realized that he was the one who was bent on seeking longevity,

Thus also depriving himself of the foundation of support and trust in his own dynasty.

Under such circ*mstances, what else does he want to take back the power? It is simply a fool’s dream!

Thinking of this, Douglas was speechless and tearful.

And Stella was also woken up by Qinghua’s words.

She was hoping that her grandfather would live a long life,

So she was extremely supportive of his quest for longevity and the rejuvenation pill.

But apart from the filial piety, she should have as a granddaughter,

A large part of this was also based on her own interests.

She and her father, as well as her older siblings from the same father and mother,

They all have always lacked sufficient roots in the family and have to rely on the blessing of the old man to live a little easier.

If the old man died early, her father, as the youngest son, was bound to get only the least benefits.

This is the crux of the matter.

Her wish for her grandfather to live does not mean that others think so too.

At this time, Charlie suddenly spoke coldly and said,

“Back then, Yan Wang Zhu Di rose up in rebellion, after driving his nephew Jianwen Emperor out of the palace,”

“He still had trouble sleeping and eating, and spent his life searching for the whereabouts of Jianwen Emperor,”

“You should now also be careful of your son driving you to extinction.”

Douglas looked at Charlie, smiled bitterly: “He …… should not be so vicious to this extent …… just now he was on the phone,”

“Also open and honest with me, he means, as long as I do not go back to the United States,”

“He will let me live the rest of my life in the country,”

“And when I die, then let Stella take my remains back to the United States for burial.”

Charlie smiled playfully, shook his head and said seriously:

“In my opinion, the reason he said this is based on the premise that he thinks you will live at most a month or two,”

“And he probably also thinks that after you are so stimulated,”

“You are likely to even die on the spot at the auction,”

“Or since the auction fell apart, so that the already few days left, continue to greatly reduced to even fewer.”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at him and blandly said,

“If I didn’t save you just now, he might have gotten what he wanted by now.”

Hearing these words, Douglas’s expression became appalled.

Charlie’s expression was austere at this time as he continued to ask him,

“Just imagine, if he knew that you now have another year or two of life expectancy for nothing,”

“Would he still be so calm and let you live out the rest of your life in the country?”

Chapter 4076

This question from Charlie made both Douglas and Stella’s hearts jump!

Douglas originally thought that although he had lost the great power of the Fei family,

He would at least have one or two more years of life,

And since Charlie’s Rejuvenation Pill would continue to be auctioned next year, he might still have a chance.

But hearing this, he realized that he was a little too optimistic.

His son is trying to let him die in the country, which is based on dying a little faster.

What if he dies too slowly?

Thinking of this, Douglas felt a shudder.

Stella was also a little panicked all of a sudden.

She subconsciously asked Charlie: “Young Master Wade …… Then what do you think, what should grandfather do now ……”

Charlie blandly said, “At a time like this, don’t think that you can still kill a return to the top,”

“The only option now is to find a way to live on while accepting defeat.”

Qinghua immediately said with some concern, “Young Master Wade, he and his grandchild has no one to rely on in Aurous Hill,”

“Although there is Karl around, but if the other party finds out that Douglas is alive,”

“He will certainly have trouble sleeping and eating, at that time,”

“I am afraid that he will not be able to resist and personally send people over, in that case, just Karl is not enough to resist ……”

Charlie nodded, looked at Stella, said indifferently:

“Mr. Lai is right, and the other party is in charge of nearly a trillion dollars of family assets,”

“They secretly can mobilize the experts and will not be afraid as bit as a hair,”

“Intelligence capabilities are immeasurable,”

“Even if you and your grandfather want to hide, you certainly cannot.”

Stella suddenly got nervous, can not return to the United States it does not matter,

But if the other side really lost patience and take action to kill her grandpa early, they have no countermeasures at the moment.

At this time, Qinghua could not help but plead with Charlie:

“Young Master Wade, if they have no one to shelter them, I’m afraid there are many crises,”

“I beg you to see that they have no one to rely on, try to think of a foolproof plan for the two of them,”

“So that Douglas can live the rest of his life in peace ……”

Charlie said helplessly, “Mr. Lai, I have already booked my trip and will leave for the United States with my wife at the end of the month.”

“Even if I leave them in the care of my men in Aurous Hill now,”

“Once the other side really comes looking for them, my men may not be able to protect them.”

Stella put down all dignity at this time, once again kneeling on both knees, sobbing uncontrollably said:

“Young Master Wade …… my grandfather and I are now desperate, please be merciful,”

“At least protect my grandfather’s life …… as for myself I’m sure you don’t need to bother, please!”

Charlie originally did not want to intervene in the affairs of the Fei family,

Because he was also clear that such matters are beyond his current capabilities.

Although his own personal strength is very strong, but it is impossible to always carry the two with him.

Although the strength he can currently control is also good but after all,

The foundation is still shallow, compared to the Fei family, there is definitely a big gap;.

Moreover, he is not prepared to identify with the An family for the time being,

Much less to beg the An family for the Fei family.

Although there is still a Cataclysmic Front in his hand,

But he can’t let Joseph fight over with the soldiers of the Front, right?

The Front is a mercenary organization, in speaking it seems to be very strong, but can only survive in the cracks of this world.

If he really lets the Cataclysmic Front go to the United States to set off the trouble,

That too with the United States’ top family as an enemy, once the United States intervene,

The Cataclysmic Front is bound to have no chance of victory.

Thinking about the Cataclysmic Front, Charlie suddenly had a plan in mind.

Then, he sighed and said, “It’s just that, in the current situation, you definitely can not stay in Aurous Hill,”

“I will go to the United States if the other side really sent people over to kill,”

“I can not protect your safety, then you in Aurous Hill will be even less safe.”

“But even if they find you, they can’t do anything to you in the territory of the Cataclysmic Front.”

“Cataclysmic Front?” When Stella heard these words, she subconsciously asked,

“Young Master Wade, aren’t the Cataclysmic Front and the Wade family enemies?”

Charlie hummed and laughed and said blandly, “That’s all old history,”

“Now more than 50,000 people up and down the Cataclysmic Front are all loyal to me.”

Chapter 4077

When Charlie said this, Stella and Douglas were already stunned to the point that their jaws dropped.

Charlie’s lightly delivered the sentence, but in the ears of the grandparents and grandchild, it was like a rolling thunderstorm.

The grandparent and grandchild never dreamed that the Wade family had ceded half of its family assets.

All to the Cataclysmic Front in exchange for the netting of the Cataclysmic Front Master Joseph, but in reality, it was the exact opposite!

The Wade family not only did not give up half of their family assets to the Cataclysmic Front,

Charlie instead took the entire Front under his command!

This is a mercenary group of tens of thousands of people!

Such a mercenary group, although not comparable to the military of the United States of America,

But its scale and combat power are no longer comparable to a rich family like the Fei family.

Stella’s brain has not yet reacted, while Douglas suddenly realized and said offhand:

“No wonder …… no wonder at the time of entry, Karl once issued a doubt,”

“Saying that the security personnel here are almost all martial arts experts,”

“The lowest cultivation is a three-star martial artist, the higher ones even have a few five-star martial artists,”

“So many experts, even Karl can not compare, I think these must be the people of the Cataclysmic Front ……”

Charlie nodded and said frankly and readily,

“That’s right, the ones responsible for the security of the entire auction this time are all soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“The Karl you mentioned, should be the one who has been following you just now, right?”

“His cultivation level is really good, he has already reached the level of a seven-star martial artist,”

“Which is also the level of the Four Great Battle commanders working in the Cataclysmic Front.”

Douglas looked at Charlie in shock and muttered,

“Young Master Wade, you …… how do you know that Master Yuan… he is a seven-star martial artist?!”

In fact, when asking this question, Douglas already had an answer in his heart.

Why would Charlie know Karl’s cultivation level?

The only possibility was that his cultivation level was far above Karl’s!

Stella was even more shocked, she felt more and more at this moment that she was simply a cloud and mud compared to Charlie!

At this moment, Charlie first laughed without saying anything,

And only after a moment did he blandly laugh again and said: “Otherwise, Mr. Fei, what did I, you think relied on to subdue the Cataclysmic Front?”

“Was it by being handsome?”

The dumbfounded Stella suddenly broke her defense when she heard Charlie’s words.

She couldn’t help but give a light laugh, and then hurriedly shut her mouth in a sensible manner.

But it was also this soft laugh that made her mood suddenly relax a lot.

Douglas also finally understood at this time that the reason why Tony,

Who had been protecting Stella before, had disappeared here, it must also be the work of Charlie.

And Karl once said that the one who could make Tony disappear without a sound must be an expert among experts,

And one who had already broken through the dark realm.

So it seems that Charlie must be that Dark Realm expert.

Otherwise, he couldn’t have taken the Cataclysmic Front under his command!

Thinking of this, his gaze was awe-inspiring, and his eyes were full of awe as he looked at Charlie,

Bowing respectfully to him and saying reverently, “Young Master Wade has such achievements at such a young age,”

“The future of the Wade family will definitely be unlimited!”

Charlie smiled faintly, looked at the time, and spoke, “Mr. Fei, it’s getting late, you and Miss Fei should also depart.”

After saying that, Charlie looked at Stella and said seriously,

“Miss Fei, I will inform Joseph, when you arrive in the Middle East,”

“You will be treated well, but after all, it is the Middle East,”

“The conditions are more or less difficult, you and Mr. Fei need to overcome and will have to bear it.”

Stella also knew very well that even if Charlie had the ability to help grandfather regain power,

She herself was not qualified to ask him to help at all.

Now that Charlie was willing to save grandpa and her life, it was already considered a great kindness.

So, she choked with gratitude and said, “Thank you, Young Master Wade, for your great kindness, I will never forget it!”

Charlie waved his hand and added: “You first accompany Mr. Fei to the hospital,”

“I’ll have someone prepare some food and supplies, and then prepare some daily necessities to bring you onboard in advance.”

Stella, while shedding tears, nodded her head repeatedly and choked, “Thank you Young Master Wade …… Thank you!”

Charlie smiled lightly, looked at Douglas again, and spoke, “Mr. Fei, you still have to cooperate next.”


Chapter 4078

A few minutes later, several security personnel carried a stretcher in a panic and carried Douglas out of the VIP room,

Straight through the auction hall, and flew out of the banquet hall in full view of everyone.

While running, the security personnel shouted,

“Get out of the way, the patient is dying and must be sent to the hospital immediately!”

Stella followed the dash, already crying with pearly tears.

The crowd at the auction, watching the staff carry Douglas away, one by one, could not help but mutter.

Just now, because of Douglas’s sudden fainting, the whole auction was suspended.

Afterwards, the convoy arranged by Issac immediately took Douglas to the hospital.

With Douglas and Stella gone, Charlie, who was in the VIP room, said to Qinghua,

“Mr. Lai, if the Fei family’s son finds out that Mr. Fei and Stella are missing,”

“He might pressurize you to pursue the details, and then you will need to withstand the pressure.”

Qinghua said with a smile, “Young Master Wade need not worry,”

“That ba5tard of the Fei family does not dare to do anything to me,”

“Besides, I did not follow them to the hospital, their whereabouts after arriving at the hospital is unknown,”

“What is the use of looking for me? I don’t know anything.”

Charlie smiled and nodded, saying, “Since that’s the case, then your junior will be relieved.”

Qinghua returned the smile and then asked him,

“Right Young Master Wade, I wonder what you are going to do in the United States this time?”

Charlie returned the words, “I’m going to accompany my wife to attend a refresher course in Providence.”

Qinghua marveled and said, “Providence is on the East Coast,”

“I am on the West Coast, there are more than 4,000 kilometers between us,”

“But if Young Master Wade has time, you are welcome to come to Los Angeles for a turn,”

“I will definitely provide good hospitality then!”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Okay if there is time, I will definitely visit.”

Qinghua smiled faintly and asked, “Young Master Wade, how is the auction going?”

Charlie smiled, “I asked Miss Song to suspend the auction,”

“Let them wait first, and start again when I finish arranging things.”

Qinghua nodded and said with an arching hand,

“Young Master Wade, then I will also go back to the venue and wait first.”

After saying that, he said with a smile, “Tonight, this Rejuvenation Pill,”

“It seems to have fallen into the hands of that Bernard Elnor,”

“This auction, it’s been really ups and downs, accidents all around ……”

Charlie shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said with a smile,

“No way, I thought it could be bought by Mr. Fei, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

Qinghua asked him, “Right young master Wade, you do not intend to meet Marshal?”

“According to the rules of your auction, even if he is expelled from the venue before the auction is over,”

“He cannot leave the hotel without permission at this moment, right?”

Charlie shook his head and spoke, “Forget it, there’s nothing to see,”

“Although I’m not too sure if the An family is an enemy or a friend,”

“But I know that the whole An family didn’t think much of my father back then,”

“At first my mother even went out of her way to draw a line with the family in order to marry him,”

“And for many years afterward, there wasn’t much interaction with the An family,”

“So I guess they wouldn’t treat me too well, so why make a fool of myself? That is uninteresting.”

Qinghua seriously said, “If the An family knew your current achievements, they would not treat you as badly as you said.”

Charlie laughed: “If it’s because of the Rejuvenation Pill or any other reason that makes them look at me,”

“Or even care about me, then it’s better not to see them at all, as the old saying goes,”

“‘No one asks in the poor city, but the rich have distant relatives in the deep mountains, I don’t want this to happen to me.”

Qinghua pondered for a moment, spoke: “Marshal incognito to participate in the auction,”

“Think it must be the Fei family people have some health problems,”

“Most likely your grandfather, I am worried that in case you do not go over,”

“in case your grandfather or others have some problem, your heart will think over about it ……”

Charlie waved his hand: “No such things exist, they were not polite to my father,”

“To my mother they also made some difficulties, even if any of them really has any condition, I wont’ think about it.”

Charlie blandly said: “Moreover, if any of them, really have an emergency situation, then he will certainly come over himself,”

“Rather than let that great uncle of mine come over to buy away the Rejuvenation pills,”

“So if there really is a situation, it will not be too critical!”

Chapter 4079

In Charlie’s opinion, since it was not clear whether the An family was an enemy or a friend,

There was naturally no need for him to actively reveal his identity.

As for who in the An family actually needs the Rejuvenation Pill,

He does not want to explore it for the time being.

Qinghua also felt that what Charlie said made sense.

Since the An family could let Marshal come over to explore the truth.

It did prove that their need for the Rejuvenation Pill was not that urgent.

Otherwise, they would have come over on their own like Douglas.

Thus, he arched his hand toward Charlie and smiled,

“Young Master Wade, I will go back to the scene first.”

Charlie nodded and said, “You go back first and wait for a moment,”

“And I will make some arrangements to let the auction continue.”

With that, Qinghua said goodbye and left the VIP room.

After Qinghua left, Charlie picked up the phone and called Melba,

Who was in charge of ISU shipping, and once the phone call came through,

He asked her directly, “Melba, are there any ships going to the Middle East in near future?”

“Yes.” Melba said, “The first batch of grain you promised to give to Syria has already been loaded at the port of Haicheng,”

“And will be sailing in the next two days.”

Charlie immediately said, “You should select the most trustworthy captain and the necessary and engine and other crew,”

“Have them start preparing now, try to set sail tonight,”

“I will have the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front bring two people over later,”

“They are supposed to go to the Middle East on this ship, make sure to keep it strictly confidential.”

When Melba heard Charlie’s order, she didn’t ask for any details and immediately said,

“Okay Mr. Wade, I will make the arrangements,”

“We should be able to set sail within two hours at the earliest,”

“When will the people you want to send over will arrive?”

Charlie looked at the time and said, “I’ll arrange for a helicopter to send them over,”

“If it’s quick, it’ll only take an hour or two.”

Melba said dryly, “Then I’ll arrange it here, have them prepare to set sail,”

“In addition, I’ll have them separate half of the living area on the ship,”

“So that none of them will be allowed to go to the other half of the area at that time.”

“Good.” Charlie said satisfactorily, “Then you arrange it first,”

“I’ll also have someone prepare my side, and I’ll have someone contact you then to dock the specific details.”


Hanging up the phone, Charlie immediately picked up the intercom and spoke,

“Is Ruoli there? Come see me in the VIP room.”

Charlie had previously instructed Issac to reserve a luxury suite for Ruoli in the VIP building of Shangri-La.

So that she could stay here often, so tonight Ruoli also participated in the auction as one of the security personnel.

A few moments later, Ruoli, who was dressed in a security uniform and had a valiant posture,

Came to the VIP room with quick steps, and once she saw Charlie, she said respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, you’re looking for me?”

Charlie nodded and said,

“Ruoli, go and purchase some daily necessities as well as food, clothing, and personal items that your women need to use,”

“And after that, you have to send two people to the Middle East for me overnight,”

“And return after handing them over to Joseph.”

Ruoli did not ask for any details and immediately said, “Then I’ll go do it!”

After saying that, she suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly, “Do I need to prepare a passport?”

If it is normal to go through the customs exit,

Naturally, you need to prepare a passport, out of customs and into the customs need to use it.

However, if the exit through non-normal channels, the passport is basically of little use.

Charlie then said, “No need to prepare passports, you guys take the boat to leave overnight,”

“I’ll have Joseph meet you there.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade!” Ruoli immediately nodded and said, “Then I’m going to do it.”

Chapter 4080

After arranging everything, Charlie then returned to the monitoring room.

At this point in the monitoring room, it can be seen that the auction site is silent.

Everyone is patiently waiting for the auction to restart, except Bernard Elnor is now anxious scratching his ears.

His mood this evening went up to heaven and back to earth several times.

Finally reaching its peak at the moment when Douglas announced his withdrawal.

But as time passed, his mood began to be anxious and apprehensive again,

Fearing that something would go wrong again in this matter.

At this time, Warnia finally received Charlie’s authorization and said on the microphone,

“Gentlemen, No. 035 has been sent to the hospital for first aid due to a sudden illness,”

“And given that he himself has announced that he has given up the competition for this last Rejuvenation Pill,”

“Our opportunity to purchase this Rejuvenation Pill will be filled by No. 016.”

When Bernard Elnor heard this, he clenched his fists in excitement and threw several punches in the air.

If not for the fear of violating the rules, he would have roared a few times to express his heart’s joy.

Warnia looked at him at this time and opened her mouth to ask:

“No. 016, may I ask if you are willing to purchase this last rejuvenation pill at a price of 72 billion dollars?”

“I am willing! I am willing!” Bernard Elnor said offhand with unbridled excitement,

“Please give me the phone number and I will arrange payment now!”

Warnia nodded and spoke, “No. 016, since you have confirmed it,”

“You are naturally the first in line to purchase the Rejuvenation Pill.”

Speaking here, Warnia added: “However, the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill has just confirmed one thing with me,”

“This Rejuvenation Pill, anyone who buys it on the spot will pay exactly according to the price of a successful bid,”

“Only, you still need to make a round of allotment to purchase this Rejuvenation Pill.”

“Another allotment?!” Bernard Elnor almost collapsed as he cried out,

“Two of your staff members already made me allot over 300 million dollars of goods before! Why do you still want me to allocate goods?”

The audience at the scene was also a bit surprised.

They had never heard of the request to match goods either.

And wondered why they were suddenly letting 016 match goods now.

However, just when many people wanted to voice their discontent for No. 016,”

“Someone suddenly recognized him and blurted out, “Isn’t 016 Bernard Elnor? He is the inventor of the luxury dispensing system!”

Immediately afterward, someone responded,

“Oh my God, it’s really him! My wife has dispensed tens of millions of euros in his brand stores!”

Someone else said,

“This guy has a very bad business reputation and has been scolded for his dispensing system!”

“If it weren’t for the distribution system, he wouldn’t be the richest man in the world!”

“I never thought it would be his turn to distribute goods today! What a self-inflicted disaster!”

At this point, someone retorted, “Aren’t you guys going too far? What does it have to do with him?”

Someone sneered, “Are you seriously ill in the head? Do you think the distribution of goods is the salesman’s own behavior?”

“When you go out to buy a cup of coffee, why didn’t the waiter at the coffee shop ask you to dispense the goods?”

“Why did Bernard Elnor’s store let you dispense the goods?”

“This kind of global uniform bundled sales policy, if he, the boss, didn’t give the order personally,”

“Who underneath would dare to be so reckless?”

“That’s right!” Someone immediately echoed,

“He has made tens of billions of dollars by relying on a rogue system of bundled sales like an allotment,”

“And it’s time for him to taste his own consequences today!”

At this moment, Warnia, facing Bernard Elnor’s astonishment, said blandly:

“No. 016, the system of allotment itself is your promotion, so many of your brands firmly implement the system of allotment,”

“No matter how the market opposes you, you do what you want and insist to the end,”

“So this time the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill also dictated that special treatment must be given to you.”

Saying that she added: “Moreover before let you allocate goods, it was to participation qualification in the auction,”

“Now let you allocate goods again, this is for you to buy the Pill, these are two different stages, not to be mixed up;”

“If you want this Rejuvenation Pill, you must accept the allotment,”

“Otherwise, the Pill will be split into four parts and continue to be auctioned on-site;”

“Of course, you can also continue to participate in the auction at that time,”

“But I have to remind you that if you are successful in the auction,”

“You will also have to accept the same allotment!”

Chapter 4081

When Elnor heard this, his whole face was sad and saucy.

He knew that he was being targeted.

The point is, he was targeted, and those people around him who were bidding for the same rejuvenation pills were all cheering for it.

It was also at this moment that he knew that he was not only disliked by the customers of his brand but even by other rich people.

He also finally realized the evil thing about the allotment system.

It is you see that your customer like something very much, and then you take the psychological trick,

That if you have to have it, you have to add an extra price in another way.

If you protest, the seller will tell you, this is our sales policy,

You accept it, pay for the allocation, or not, go out and turn right.

And Elnor’s desire for the rejuvenating elixir is not just a matter of liking it,

It’s a matter of his health and longevity.

In his current physical condition, in case of lung cancer makes a comeback, then he will basically have no choice but to die.

Moreover, he had already experienced the pain of anti-cancer treatment twice.

And did not want to experience it a third time in his life.

Thinking of this, he could only grit his teeth and ask Warnia with a humble face,

“Miss Song, I don’t know how you want me to allocate the goods ……”

“My cash flow is not that abundant ……”

Warnia nodded and spoke, “Don’t worry, we naturally won’t force you into a desperate situation because of the allotment of goods.”

Speaking here, she smiled faintly and continued,

“If we follow the allocation strategy of your brand,”

“The ratio of the general allocation amount for popular models starts at one to one or even higher, right?”

Elnor’s eyes went black, if the ratio of one to one, that would be $140 billion, where would he get that much money?

Just when he was desperate, Warnia said: “Of course, we do things, then we still have to be a little more careful,”

“So we finally decided to let you in accordance with the proportion of 50% of the goods,”

“Since your bid price is 72 billion, then the amount of goods is 36 billion, a total of 108 billion.”

Elnor said desperately, “I don’t have that much money ……”

“I can only come up with a maximum of eighty billion dollars in cash now ……”

Warnia nodded and spoke, “In that case, you can also apply for installment payments.”

Elnor, “How to pay in installments?!”

Warnia said, “A total of $36 billion in allotments, you pay $8 billion first,”

“And the remaining $28 billion, paid in ten years, for which we can waive your installment fee,”

“As you know, if you do consumer loans outside, the interest rate for a ten-year period is at least 50% or more.”

Speaking here, Warnia added: “I believe that with your ability to absorb money,”

“It should still be very easy to take out 2.8 billion dollars per year, and after you get a whole rejuvenation pill,”

“As long as nothing happens, your life expectancy will be at least twenty years more,”

“So if you look at it this way, it must be very cost-effective for you.”

Then, Warnia turned her words and added, “Of course, you can also not accept it,”

“Our allocation policy is the same as your brand, advocating voluntary allocation, not a mandatory one.”

Elnor finally understood what it means to fleece and kill.

Forcing people to allocate goods and saying it is voluntary allocation, how is it different from robbers?

But when he thought about it, isn’t his own brand also the same way?

Thinking about it, he could only lament that he had made his own mistakes.

And although his heart was suffering to the extreme, once he thought of the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“He still made an instant decision and gritted his teeth and said, “Okay …… I accept!”

Chapter 4082

Warnia nodded and said seriously, “016, since you have voluntarily and positively accepted our allotment policy,”

You will next need to pay eighty billion dollars first,”

“And to ensure that you fulfill your contract, we also need to sign a series of legal documents,”

“The rejuvenating elixir will be given to you after the legal document is signed, do you have any objection to this?”

Elnor shook his head and said decadently, “No …… I have no objection ……”

Warnia nodded and smiled, “In that case, then both of us have reached an equal and voluntary agreement,”

“On the allocation of the Pill in the spirit of fairness and justice, do you confirm this?”

Elnor cried, “Confirmation …… I confirm ……”

“Good.” Warnia smiled slightly and continued, “However, there are two things that I want to emphasize in front of 016,”

“As well as all the bidders who are present today.”

“First of all, please rest assured that our allocation system, only applies to Mr. Elnor alone,”

“Except for him, anyone who successfully bids for the Rejuvenation Pill will not be charged any additional fees,”

“And as you have seen with the four previous Rejuvenation Pills, we strictly follow the principle of fairness and impartiality,”

“And none of the four successful bidders are forced to bundle any consumption, so please don’t worry!”

Once these words came out, everyone on the scene immediately cheered.

Since it was only for Elnor, everyone was naturally happy to see him laugh.

Therefore, everyone clapped and cheered happily, and only Elnor’s face was ugly to the extreme.

Afterward, Warnia added: “Secondly, we are different from those companies outside who ask for allotments,”

“All the income from allotments, we don’t take a penny, we will donate the whole amount to charity!”

“Among them, half will be donated to the poor areas of China,”

“Specifically to solve the problems of school-age children and teenagers in poor areas,”

“As well as out-of-school children and teenagers in terms of their schooling, life, and health,”

“Including but not limited to solving their tuition fees,”

“Living expenses, lunch fees, as well as scholarships, grants, and even the treatment costs for physical diseases;”

“The other half, which will be donated to all orphanages,”

“Welfare homes and other children’s welfare institutions nationwide,”

“It will be used to improve the lives and education of orphans in welfare institutions;”

“All the funds will be open to scrutiny, and we welcome everyone’s supervision!”

When this statement was made, everyone in the audience was once again in an uproar.

This is ten years, 36 billion dollars!

Just donate it all?

Money is not worth anything?

How many listed groups with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Tens of years of profits can not do this amount, but the owner of this Rejuvenation pill, is not the least bit moved?

Moreover, they are all top tycoons and know very well about charity.

Even if you play charity, there is no such thing!

The world’s tycoons, especially in rich countries, seem to be very keen on charity,

Setting up various charitable foundations and then putting hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars into them.

But in fact, the vast majority of such charitable funds, are set up to avoid taxes.

These tycoons donate billions of dollars to set up foundations,

In fact, it is packaged as a family trust, so as to avoid up to 50% of the estate tax,

This will be more money for their children and grandchildren.

And according to the system, the funds of the foundation must have 5% of the funds for charity,

While the remaining 95% is basically equivalent to the family trust, and still tax-free.

Therefore, when the rich do charity, only a very small amount of money out of the good deeds,

More money is packaged in this way, set apart for their own families.

Many tycoons also promise to give total donations after their death,

But most of them actually use this method to change the packaging of their wealth

And continue to pass it on to their children and grandchildren.

However, the owner of the Rejuvenation will donate the entire $36 billion,

And also accept the supervision of the whole society.

Which means that it is a real donation, and all of it will be used.

And they will not keep even a single penny out of it ……

This is really …… too scary!

Chapter 4083

Elnor, who was forced and felt helpless, finally accepted Warnia’s terms.

After he paid eighty billion dollars in cash with tears in his eyes,

He signed an agreement with the auction management for installment payments.

Starting from the second half of this year,

He would have to pay two hundred and eight billion dollars to the auction every year for the next ten years.

As the dust settled, Warnia finally announced in public,

“Let’s congratulate No. 016, who successfully won the last rejuvenation pill tonight.”

Elnor stood up in a flash of excitement, ready to step onto the stage,

While the other bidders all looked a little disappointed.

Immediately afterward, Elnor was invited to the stage by Warnia.

Afterward, the staff handed the rejuvenation pill to Elnor’s mouth.

At this moment, Elnor was already trembling with excitement.

And the other bidders on the stage, one by one, were staring at him with rapt attention.

Everyone had seen the effect of a quarter of the rejuvenation pill tonight,

And they had also seen the effect of half of the rejuvenation pill,

But only the effect of this whole rejuvenation pill had not been seen yet.

Everyone wanted to open their eyes and see how amazing this whole rejuvenating pill could be.

Elnor is already in his seventies, and even though he has the title of Godfather of Fashion as well as Godfather of Luxury,

The bygone years have still left deep marks on his face.

His original brown-black hair is already half white, his face and around the eyes have been densely covered with deep wrinkles,

And his eye sockets have begun to sink deeper and deeper.

His cheeks have begun to shrug down because of old age, falling out of two extremely obvious lines of the decree,

Not to exaggerate, and even have a sense of the dog in the “Cat and Mouse” game.

This, coupled with his two cancer-fighting journeys, made his whole person a few points frailer than his peers.

However, the moment he took the rejuvenation pill, a miracle happened immediately.

His hair, from the original withered white, gradually turned into an oily black-brown,

And the wrinkles on his face began to rapidly converge,

Even his drooping cheeks seemed to be freed from the effect of gravity.

And quickly regained their roundness and luster.

Just now it was an old man in his seventies, but now in a flash, it has become a strong man in his fifties.

This instantly envied countless people.

And Elnor could not see himself at this time, he only felt that he was rapidly regaining vitality all over his body.

This feeling is like when you are young and tired of going out for a day of exercise,

When you get home and almost go limp in bed, suddenly you are back to the morning before you go out in that state of immense energy.

This experience was so amazing that he almost roared with excitement!

It was also at this moment that Elnor burst into tears.

Tonight was really the most torturous day of his life for him.

From the beginning full of hope to later despair,

Over and again ignited the flame of hope, and over and again extinguished by despair.

Even in the final stage, it was close to a breakdown of mind by the $36 billion allotments.

At this moment, feeling the huge changes in his body, he could not help but cover his face and cry.

Because he felt that this moment came, and it was really not easy!

Moreover, the final result of this is really too much for his own surprise.

When he came, he originally thought that it would be good if the rejuvenation pill could improve his physical state

And let him reduce the risk of cancer recurrence as much as possible.

However, he never dreamed that the efficacy of the pill would be so miraculous!

He couldn’t help but lament to himself as if saying,

“Although for this pill, the allocation of goods alone has cost 36 billion,”

“But this is really the most worthwhile thing I’ve ever bought in my life ……”

Everyone else watched as Elnor instantly became nearly twenty years younger,

And the envy and jealousy in their heart reached its peak.

This is the true efficacy of rejuvenation pills!

It’s just a pity that everyone else didn’t have the opportunity to experience it personally.

If they wanted to wait for the next auction,

They would have to wait until at least next year.

At this time, Warnia said, “Thanks to the support of everyone present,”

“Tonight’s auction has ended with the bidding of all the lots.”

“Let’s congratulate the five bidders who successfully bid for the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“And also hope that the bidders who were not successful will not be discouraged,”

“Because if there is no accident, we will continue to hold the Rejuvenation Pill auction next year. “

Once the crowd in the room thought of this, many of them became even more desperate deep inside.

Because once the effect of the Rejuvenation Pill spreads among the upper class,

Next year’s auction will definitely be flooded with more top tycoons.

At that time, if the organizer does not expand the quota,

Then that half of the two hundred people who participated in the auction tonight,

They would not even have the chance to attend the auction next year.

When many people thought of this level, their mood fell to the bottom at once.

Seeing many people’s faces full of sadness, Warnia added:

“In addition to that, there is another good news to tell everyone.”

Hearing that there was good news, everyone looked at Warnia, expecting what she would say next.

Chapter 4084

Warnia then said, “The good news is that the Rejuvenation Pill auction is not the only way to obtain the Rejuvenation Pill!”

“We are planning to invest in a series of high-end health projects in Aurous Hill,”

“And all friends who are interested in the Rejuvenation pill are welcome to participate actively at that time,”

“And at that time, all investors who have participated in the high-end health projects,

They will have the additional right to get the Rejuvenation pill.”

Once these words came out, the scene boiled up.

Some people could not hold back and ask in a loud voice:

“Miss Song, what do we have to do to participate in this project?

Warnia smiled and said, “The project has not been officially put on sale to the public yet,”

“So this issue will have to wait for a while for everyone,”

“And after our relevant details are perfected, we will give priority to inform the friends who are present tonight,”

“And then everyone will also have the relevant rights to register and subscribe on a priority basis.”

Hearing this news, the crowd’s lost mood was immediately relieved.

What they feared most was that there were too few rejuvenation pills,

And if only two of them were put up for auction each year, the price would only get higher and higher,

And if they couldn’t afford them today, they certainly couldn’t afford them next year.

However, since the organizer will also provide other channels to obtain them,

This will be one more opportunity for everyone.

Warnia spoke at this time: “Now, please orderly exit and return to the hotel,”

“The successful bidders who bought other goods, please go back to the room wait a moment,”

“Our staff will send the successful bidding goods to your room,”

“And others can go back to the room and can freely decide to stay,”

“But I want to remind everyone If you need to renew your room,”

“Please confirm with the front desk before 10:00 am tomorrow.”

After that, Warnia smiled slightly and continued, “Thank you again for your support tonight,”

“And I hope we will see you next year! Thank you all!”

The crowd stood up and applauded, and after seeing Warnia exit from backstage,

Everyone left their seats and returned to their rooms.

Some of them were planning to leave tonight, but before leaving,

They also had to go back to their rooms to change their clothes first,

Otherwise wearing this kind of clothing with numbers, gave them the feeling as if they were prisoners.

Just as the bidders on the scene were returning to their rooms, an ambulance sped out of the hospital.

Three minutes ago, the 120 emergency center received an emergency call,

That there was a patient with a sudden heart attack at Jinmao Mansion,

A high-end apartment in Aurous Hill priced as high as 80,000 yuan per square meter,

So the 120 emergency centers directly assigned this task to the nearest central hospital.

The central hospital, in turn, immediately assigned the task to the ambulance that left with a whistle.

When the ambulance arrived at Jinmao Mansion, four medical personnel came down from the car.

All four of them were wearing white coats, masks, and medical caps.

These four people took the elevator to the top floor of the Mansion and came to apartment 2501.

According to the door number where the emergency call was made from.

However, at this time, there was no heart attack patient in this apartment.

Waiting in the living room at this time were four medical personnel,

Also wearing white coats, masks, and hats, three men and one woman.

These four people are not only dressed the same as the four people who came in the ambulance, even the physical sizes are almost the same.

In addition to them, there were also three people standing in the room,

Namely Orvel and his right-hand man Abner, as well as Ervin, who had recently followed Orvel.

As soon as the two groups met, Orvel immediately said to the four disguised medical personnel around him,

“You four, hurry up and put Abner on a stretcher and take him to the ambulance!”

The doctor dressed as the leader of the four immediately said, “Yes, Master, we’re on our way!”

Ervin reminded, “From now on until you get into the car and leave,”

“You four must not look up at the surveillance, so as not to be seen, got it?”

The man quickly nodded: “Understood!”

“Good!” Ervin said seriously: “Things should not be late, you guys hurry up and go!”

Orvel then said to Abner: “Abner quickly lie down on the stretcher, these days have a good rest in the hospital.”

Abner grinned and waved his hand and said,

“Okay, Master, then I’ll go to the hospital to recuperate for a few days!”

Soon, Abner was lying on the stretcher, followed by four medical personnel who carried him out.

After they left, Orvel said to the four people who just got off the ambulance:

“The clothes are ready for you, hurry up and change, we leave in ten minutes!”

The four paramedics took off their masks and hats, and the female among them was Stella,

And among the three males next to her, one was her grandfather Douglas,

One was Douglas’s personal bodyguard Karl, and the other was a five-star soldier of the Cataclysmic Front.

At this moment, Stella said to the two men with great gratitude,

“It’s hard for you two to come up with such a good way to help us get out, I’m really thankful to you two!”

Orvel waved his hand, pointed to Ervin, and said, “This is all the idea of this military advisor of mine.”

Ervin said, “I also share Master Wade’s worries, this is all my part!”

Just now, Ervin gave Orvel this idea, using an emergency call and a few of Orvel’s men,

Playing a golden cicada to get the three of them out of the hospital unnoticed.

If someone really came to Aurous Hill to inquire about the whereabouts of these three people,

It all would be impossible to trace this line up for them.

Moreover, even with a detailed inquiry into this, it is impossible to find any clues.

Because an ambulance goes out of the hospital many times a day, and the alarm call is real,

The four medical staff left and brought back a patient,

And Abner also has a real heart problem, not a fraudulent disease this time.

This buddy usually smokes and drinking, and eats big fish and meat with drink, and faces regular heart discomfort,

Several blood vessels have long been showing signs of blockage,

The doctor has long advised him to put a few stents, but he has been dragging it,

So Orvel will let him simply take this opportunity today, as part of the plot to go to the hospital to put the stents.

As the saying goes, do a full set of drama, real phone, real emergency, and a real patient.

This is all to ensure that even if the Fei family came for the people, they can absolutely not find a single clue.

Chapter 4085

In the night, Stella, Douglas, and Karl, led by several soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front, boarded a helicopter and flew to Haicheng port.

At this time, a cargo ship full of tens of thousands of tons of grain had already raised anchor from the port and slowly left the port.

The crew of this ship, with the most trustworthy crew of ISU Shipping, received the order to set sail overnight,

While a group of passengers would board the ship at sea.

However, even though these people were trustworthy, Melba still told them not to have any active contact with this group of passengers,

So as to ensure that they always knew nothing about who they are.

After the cargo ship left the brightly lit port and sailed into the dark sea,

Two helicopters arrived one after another and caught up with the cargo ship in the middle of the sea,

Landing one after another on the deck.

The first helicopter came down with Ruoli and a number of soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front that she led.

This time Ruoli chose the female members of the Cataclysmic Front.

Each member of the team carried a large combat bag,

Which was filled with not only various weapons and equipment, but also many daily necessities.

After the people got off the plane in an orderly manner,

They started to divide and block the living area with the cooperation of the captain.

Subsequently, Ruoli asked all the staff to leave the deck,

Followed by the second helicopter slowly landed on the deck.

When the plane stopped, Stella took the lead and stepped out of the plane, followed by Karl, who helped Douglas.

Ruoli walked up and said politely, “It’s Miss Fei, right?”

“My name is Ruoli Su, Mr. Wade asked me to escort you and Mr. Fei to Syria.”

Stella was surprised and asked, “Ruoli Su? Miss Su can’t be the same Ruoli that …… Japan searched for before ……”

Ruoli smiled faintly and nodded, “Yes, it is me.”

Ruoli’s name, after that time in Japan, is considered famous all over the world.

Before the Japanese side has been looking for her whereabouts, to find a body if she is dead or catch her alive.

But unexpectedly, after Ruoli disappeared for a period of time, she suddenly announced that she had joined the Cataclysmic Front.

When the Japanese side heard that she had joined the Cataclysmic Front,

They almost immediately gave up their search for her.

They had seen with their own eyes the destructive power of Ruoli.

Who had turned the whole of Tokyo into a mess?

Now that she has joined the Cataclysmic Front, she has a powerful backer,

And under such circ*mstances, the Japanese do not want to touch this bad luck again.

Therefore, the Japanese police department has given instructions internally,

As long as Ruoli does not come to Japan, the Japanese side will no longer pursue her.

Stella did not expect to meet the famous Ruoli here, and she was even Charlie’s subordinate.

Moreover, when Charlie deliberately exploded the fierce news,

That the old man of the Su family had sold his granddaughter to the Japanese,

The whole world knew that she was the illegitimate daughter of the Su family,

And the illegitimate daughter of the Su family had become Charlie’s subordinate, which made Stella even more surprised.

Before Charlie chose Ruoli, the Su family was bound to come out to block it out of the face,

But the situation at hand was enough to see that the Su family didn’t seem to have any temper in front of Charlie.

From this, she could even deduce that they had been completely subdued by Charlie.

She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart,

The strength of Charlie’s strength was constantly overturning her guesses and perceptions.

However, surprised, Stella quickly adjusted, took the initiative to extend her hand, said very politely:

“Hello Miss Su, I have heard a lot about you, this time I have to bother you!”

Ruoli smiled slightly: “You are Mr. Wade’s friend, these are part of my job.”

Saying that, Ruoli added: “Mr. Wade said that the matter of you and Mr. Fei leaving the country must be absolutely confidential,”

“So we can’t arrange for you to travel by air, the ship has a long way to go,”

“So you need to get used to it, I hope you don’t take offense.”

“Understood!” Stella nodded and said, “I’m already very grateful to Mr. Wade for being able to leave Aurous Hill!”

Ruoli nodded and said, “I just confirmed with the captain about the voyage, the purpose of our voyage,”

“First destination is the port of Tartus in western Syria, for security reasons,”

“Our cargo ship will not dock at any port until we reach the port of Tartus,”

“We expect to reach Singapore in five days, and the Suez Canal in about eighteen days,”

“Counting the time to queue up to cross the canal, we will arrive at the port of Tartus in about twenty days.”

Stella nodded and said, “Thank you, Miss Su.”

Chapter 4086

Ruoli nodded slightly and added: “For the safety of you and Mr. Fei, our living area on the ship is completely isolated from the ordinary crew,”

“If you and Mr. Fei need to come up on deck, please let me know in advance and I will notify the crew to temporarily avoid the area.”

Stella said gratefully, “Thank you, Miss Su, you are really too thoughtful!”

“As it should be.” Ruoli said with a smile, “The three of you please follow me to the cabin, the rooms are all ready for you.”

This cargo ship that Melba sent to Syria was 100,000 tons in size,

And the ship was huge, the living area inside was also very ample,

So it was enough to arrange a room for each of the three people.

Ruoli asked the two young males from the Cataclysmic Front to arrange Douglas and Karl to their rooms,

While she herself took Stella to the room prepared for her.

As soon as she entered the room, Ruoli closed the door behind her and pointed to the three huge backpacks in the room, and said to Stella,

“Miss Fei, Mr. Wade explained that I prepared some daily necessities for you,”

“And I didn’t know which brands you usually use,”

“So I bought as many of the best brands that I could get in Aurous Hill.”

She said, she opened one of the backpacks, inside almost all women’s daily cosmetics,”

“In addition, also thoughtfully prepared electric toothbrush, towels, bath towels, as well as combs, hair bands, and other small items.

Stella said gratefully: “Thank you so much, Miss Su, I didn’t expect you to be so careful ……”

Ruoli laughed: “It’s mainly because Mr. Wade ordered it, he said you are an elite lady,”

“You must have been pampered during the day, suddenly you have to take such a long ride on a cargo ship, afraid you will not adapt.”

Saying that she opened another backpack, inside was some change of clothes, mainly T-shirts, casual pants and some new underwear.

Ruoli explained to Stella: “Miss Fei, now the weather is about to feel like summer,”

“The weather in the south is not much different from summer all the year-round,”

“As we cross into the Indian Ocean, the temperatures will be higher,”

“So I prepared for you some summer clothes, as for underwear, the size may be a little unsure,”

“If not suitable, just tell me, I will arrange for someone in Singapore to prepare the items after we arrive in Singapore,”

“Then the helicopter sent to the ship.”

Stella was moved to choke up a little at this point.

In the past, the people around her were all so attentive to serve her,

But that was because she was still the lady of the Fei family.

Now she had fallen on hard times,

But the fact that Charlie’s people could still be so considerate and polite to her really touched her beyond measure.

Ruoli then opened the third bag and said softly: “Miss Fei, in addition to underwear and pants,”

“There are also some sanitary napkins and tampons in here because our route is only twenty days,”

“So I have prepared a dosage for you for more than a week, which should be enough.”

Here, Ruoli said: “In Syria, I have communicated with Joseph, Cataclysmic Front is now doing a major construction,”

“The base has not yet taken shape, but according to him, they are currently using the world’s top field tents,”

“Power and water supply, independent bathroom and shower facilities, air conditioning facilities, all aspects of the conditions should not be very difficult,”

“And he has begun to coordinate a number of high-end custom boarding houses from the country,”

“When they arrive the conditions will be improved.”

Stella said hurriedly, “It doesn’t matter, I can accept whatever conditions there are.”

Saying that, she asked with some embarrassment, “By the way, Miss Su, may I take the liberty to ask,”

“How are the medical conditions there? I’m not worried about anything else,”

“I’m just worried about my grandfather, he’s old and has suffered a lot of stimulation, I’m afraid something will happen to his health.”

Ruoli smiled faintly and said, “Don’t worry about this, Cataclysmic Front has a medical team of its own,”

“And has already built a temporary field hospital, along with a resuscitation room and an operating room,”

“It will definitely be able to provide your grandfather with very good medical care.”

“That would be great!” Stella completely put her heart down and spoke,

“Please, Miss Su, pass on this to Mr. Wade for me, all his great kindness, I will never forget it!”

“Okay.” Ruoli nodded and said, “Miss Fei, it’s late, you should rest now,”

“My room is on your right-hand side, your grandfather’s room is on your left-hand side,”

“If you need anything, feel free to contact me.”

With that, she took out a walkie-talkie and handed it to her,

“Miss Fei, this encrypted walkie-talkie can only contact me on the ship,”

“Keep it, call me anytime if you have any problems!”

Chapter 4087

After Stella tidied up her room and settled down on the ship for a while, she went to her grandfather Douglas’s room.

At that moment, Karl was helping Douglas to make his bed,

While Douglas was sitting on the single sofa in his room, staring at the ceiling.

Seeing Stella enter, Karl hurriedly said respectfully, “Young Miss.”

Stella nodded slightly and said somewhat apologetically,

“Master Yuan, I’m sorry for involving you in this time,”

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to return anytime soon ……”

Karl shook his head and said, “Miss, there is no need to be so polite,”

“My duty is to protect Elder Fei, no matter where I am.”

The first time I saw him, I was in a hurry to return to the division,”

“Not to mention that Tony is still missing, the division sent him over to take over my duties and stay with the Fei family.

Stella said, “Now that I think about it, the possibility that Mr. Luo is in the hands of Young Master Wade is the greatest.”

Karl nodded and said, “I also think so,”

“I heard that the supreme commander of the Cataclysmic Front, Joseph, had always regarded the Wade family as the enemy who killed his parents,”

“Earlier also heard that Joseph’s men brought coffins to the Wade family,”

“Joseph made such a big show, but in the end was taken under Charlie, this shows that Joseph is in no way Charlie’s opponent. “

Said, Karl added: “Rumor has it that Joseph is an eight-star martial artist,”

“If that’s true, then Young Master Wade must be a Dark Realm expert, or even stronger.”

Stella nodded and said with relief, “Master Yuan doesn’t have to worry too much,”

“I see that Young Master Wade is a man who won’t hate people for no reason,”

“Mr. Luo didn’t do anything to him, so I think he won’t really hurt him.”

Karl sighed, “Let’s hope so!”

At this moment, Stella looked at her grandfather who was a bit depressed, and said,

“Grandpa, what happened with uncle has already happened, you must not think about it and don’t become depressed.”

Douglas smiled to himself and said, “Stella, because of me, you also had to flee to the Middle East,”

“I am ashamed to be a grandfather if I had died just now, for you, for Master Yuan,”

“It would have been a relief, your uncle will not be tough with you ……”

Douglas said with a sad expression: “Now, you two accompanied me to escape, he could not find you,”

“He will be resentful of this, I dragged you guys ah ……”

Stella said: “Grandpa, you must not think so if you are really gone,”

“Eldest uncle will not let our family have a good time.”

Douglas sighed and said remorsefully, “They say that the family heir should be the eldest rather than the youngest,”

“But if I had seen through that rebellious son’s bones earlier,”

“I would not have made him the family heir, this is really my biggest failure in life!”

Before I die, I will leave a will to you, designating the Fei family to be inherited by you,”

“then you can ask for the help of Young Master Wade,”

“As long as he can help you take back the Fei family, you will be the head of the Fei family!”

Stella helplessly smiled and said, “Grandpa, Young Master Wade should not want to trip this mess,”

“Otherwise he would not have arranged for us to go to the Middle East for a while to avoid the wind.”

“Yes ……” Douglas also couldn’t help but sigh: “Maybe he thought the conditions I offered weren’t generous enough,”

“20% of the Fei family’s assets, in his eyes must still be less.”

Saying that, he suddenly brightened up, looked at Stella, and asked,

“Stella, can that young master Wade get married? If he is willing to help,”

“I will give him the entire Fei family as a dowry, he should not refuse, right?”

Chapter 4088

Stella was first stunned, then she quickly understood the meaning of her grandfather’s words,

And immediately said somewhat sheepishly, “Grandpa, what are you talking nonsense about ……”

“Young Master Wade, he has already been married.”

Married?” Douglas subconsciously asked, “Which family’s daughter did he marry?”

Stella said, “His wife is from the Willson family in Aurous Hill,”

“But the Willson family is just a down-and-out family in Aurous Hill,”

“The highest assets of the whole family is just over 100 million,”

“And it is in RMB, and now it has already gone bankrupt and liquidated.”

Douglas was filled with shock and said offhandedly, “This …… how is this possible?”

“The young master of the titled Wade family,

The grandson of the An family, how could he marry such a girl from a poor family?”

Stella said, “What exactly is the situation here, I’m not quite sure,”

“But Charlie has never revealed his true identity to his wife, and his wife’s family does not know his true identity,”

“She has always thought that he is an orphan-born son-in-law.”

Douglas pondered for a moment and said, “Between a husband and wife,”

“It is surprising that they can conceal such a big thing, I think the foundation of their relationship is not strong enough,”

“Sooner or later they will have to divorce.”

Stella said awkwardly, “I don’t know about this ……”

Douglas lightly sighed, said to Stella: “Stella, now the Fei family has this huge change,”

“If there is no strong external force to intervene, your uncle’s position is unshakable,”

“And when I die, he will not be merciful to you, young master Wade is your only chance to turn the tide……”

Speaking of this, Douglas had one more sentence that he did not say.

In his opinion, Charlie is not only Stella’s only chance to flip but also his own only chance to flip.

Charlie’s rejuvenation pills are outstandingly effective, even if he can get half of them, he can live more days.

If Stella can really develop with Charlie, the ancestors and grandchildren will have the moment to turn the tide against the wind.

It’s not that Douglas has a strong sense of utilitarianism,

When people reach such a desperate situation, he is naturally unwilling to resign himself to fate,

As long as there is still a breath left, he will still make the turnaround the biggest goal for the rest of his life.

Stella naturally also knows this truth.

When a wise person is in trouble, the first thing he thinks of is not self-hatred or self-loathing,

But how to find a way to break the situation in a crisis.

Stella also knows very well that after her grandfather’s position was usurped by the eldest uncle, she has been in a dilemma.

If she did not go to the Middle East with her grandfather today,

Then Uncle would have to ask her about her grandfather’s whereabouts,

And the bottom line of her conscience would not allow her to betray him for profit.

And now she follows her grandfather to the Middle East, is also the same riding the tiger crossing the crocodile trench.

Since she went to the Middle East, she must be an accomplice and an enemy in the eyes of her eldest uncle.

At present he can’t find her, she can still live, but in case grandpa dies in a year or two, what should she do?

Will she continue to hide, or just take her grandfather’s corpse back to the United States?

The former is such a loser’s choice, she naturally does not want to choose,

But the latter is a surprisingly high risk,

It is likely that she just arrives in the United States, and her eldest uncle takes control of her directly.

Therefore, she feels that her future is also in gray.

In this situation, the only way she could think of to break the crisis was via Charlie.

Unfortunately, Charlie didn’t have the intention to help.

Thinking of this, she smiled bitterly and said, “Grandpa, there is no point in talking about this now,”

“Not to mention that Young Master Wade is already married, even if he is not,”

“I will be in the Middle East, it is difficult for me to have any chance to cross paths with him again.”

Douglas also can not hide his disappointment said:

“Hey! This going to the Middle East, still do not know if I can live to see the day we leave……”

Chapter 4089

At this moment, the United States New York.

In the Financial center, Manhattan, it is the middle of the morning.

In the conference room on the top floor of a skyscraper with dozens of floors, an old man in his seventies is cursing at seven or eight people.

He angrily questioned: “I just can’t f*cking understand why an intact person was sent to the hospital and then he evaporated!”

“They’re all a bunch of f*cking losers! Idiots!”

The one who spoke was Douglas’s eldest son, Dawson Fei.

A few hours ago, he had just informed his father on the phone the news of his ascension to the throne.

And his words were provocative, in order to give Douglas more stimulation,

So that his already shaky body could collapse as soon as possible.

With his understanding of his father, this phone call will definitely give him a huge blow, and may even directly kill him.

Therefore, Dawson has been having people keep an eye on every move in Aurous Hill.

And at today’s auction, there was an undercover agent he sent.

After the auction, the undercover agent returned to the room and immediately reported the news to him.

After learning that the Rejuvenation Pill could really bring back the dead,

Dawson was once very glad that he had made the decision to usurp his position.

The reason is that once the old man succeeded in obtaining the Rejuvenation Pill,

It is estimated that he will be able to live at least another ten to twenty years in the future.

In that case, the old man will be boiled to death.

Moreover, the auctioneer also said that the old man ended up in serious condition and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment,

So Dawson immediately arranged for his spies in Aurous Hill to go to the hospital to check Douglas’s current condition.

He wanted to know whether Douglas had died or was being resuscitated.

If he was being resuscitated, he wanted to know how long Douglas’s physical condition would hold up.

For him, since he was usurping the throne, there was always some apprehension and anxiety in his heart.

If he wants to be able to sleep peacefully after today, he must wait until Douglas dies before the dust settles.

As long as Douglas is not dead, he will not have peace of mind for one day.

However, his men in Aurous Hill soon gave him the shocking news that his father had disappeared from Aurous Hill Central Hospital!

The hospital’s file showed that an American Chinese named Douglas Fei

…had been admitted to the hospital to receive resuscitation due to a sudden coma.

However, the old gentleman soon woke up under the doctor’s treatment.

Immediately afterward, he suddenly disappeared from the ward, and no one knew where he had gone.

Dawson’s men managed to get the surveillance of the whole hospital and found that,

It was Karl who destroyed several surveillance probes along the way and disappeared

With Douglas and Stella in the blind spot of the surveillance.

After that, the three people just evaporated and no clues could be found.

This news made Dawson furious!

That’s why there was a scene just now when he was angry at his men.

At this moment, his confidant and military advisor Alfred Ma, who had assisted him for nearly forty years, said,

“Young master, Karl is a seven-star martial artist with superb strength,”

“With him in, it is really difficult for us to find clues about Master Fei and Miss Stella,”

“Not to mention that our main force is in the United States, and there are only some eyes in Aurous Hill,”

“They do not have enough strength and manpower there, so it is hard to figure out what’s going on over there.”

Chapter 4090

Dawson nodded and said through gritted teeth, “This Karl is really a bit insensitive to the times,”

“What good can it do to follow old man’s side now?”

“Why not hurry up and abandon the darkness for the light!”

Alfred hurriedly said, “Young master, in my opinion, the most urgent task now is to send a group of elite manpower,

No matter what must first find out Master Fei and Miss Stella at earliest.”

Dawson said with a gloomy face, “Mr. Ma, I leave this matter to you, you personally select a group of people,”

“Fly to Aurous Hill today, no matter what, we must find them get if the person alive, or bring the corpse!”

Alfred asked carefully, “Young master if we find Master Fei and Miss Stella, should I take a little initiative?”

Dawson hesitated for a moment and said coldly: “You go over and find the people first,”

“If the situation is all under control, then put them under house arrest,”

“So that the father does not leave China until he dies;”

“If the situation is out of control, then find a way to create an accident.”

At this moment, among several people, a middle-aged man in his early fifties spoke up and asked,

“Dad, what about Stella then? If this girl is not removed, she will definitely become a big liability in the future!”

The person who spoke was Dawson’s eldest son, Douglas’s eldest grandson, and Stella’s oldest cousin, Adam Fei.

Adam is nearly thirty years older than Stella, and his son is even three years older than Stella.

As the youngest sister of Adam’s generation, Stella originally in the family is like the moon, favored by all the stars.

But in fact, that is just an illusion under the power of Douglas.

Because of Douglas’s love for Stella, everyone also showed their love and doting for Stella,

And many people even treated her better than Douglas treated her.

But in fact, she has long been displeased by many people.

The company has been very unhappy with Stella, always feel that she usually is too outstanding in the family,

But also loved by Douglas, always threatening his position as the eldest son and grandson.

Moreover, Stella, because of her own ability is relatively strong,

So often inadvertently, indirectly hit the face of the rest of the Fei family.

Not only are these brothers and sisters of the same generation as Stella,

Every now and then they will be compared with Stella by Douglas,

And by the way, they will be sarcastically attacked by him.

Even Adam’s son and Stella’s nephew are often warned and spurred on by Douglas

Because they are about the same age as Stella but are far inferior to her in every way.

In the long run, Stella has become a target in this family.

However, when Douglas was around, everyone was able to hide this dissatisfaction deep in their hearts,

But once the old man lost his power, everyone’s dissatisfaction in their hearts lost the only restraint.

Dawson also feels that Stella will definitely be in big trouble in the future.

The old man will not live long, but she is only in her twenties.

Moreover, she is the only member of the Fei family who is with Douglas now.

If the old man is discouraged and leaves a will to give the Fei family to her to inherit, then it will be really troublesome.

Because, although Dawson now uses the highest emergency plan,

He successfully became the chairman of the board, but this is only a reasonable and legal means to get control of the Fei family.

As long as Master Fei is still alive, the shares and assets are still under his name.

If the old man wants to give these shares and assets to Stella, then she is the reasonable and legal heir.

If they really let Stella come back with the will, it will be great trouble then.

So, Dawson pondered for a moment, nodded, and spoke, “Find them and get rid of them all!”

“Take a few more experts over, including that Karl, don’t keep him either!”

Speaking of this, Dawson looked at his son, Adam, and instructed,

“Adam, from today onwards, put Karl’s family under close surveillance and restrict them from leaving the country,”

“In case that girl really comes back one day, we have one more emergency means!”

Chapter 4091

At this moment, the Shangri-La Hotel.

The auction had already concluded, but Charlie did not leave immediately.

He originally prepared a whole rejuvenation pill for the three VIPs tonight,

Half of which was given to grandfather Wade and the other half was divided into two,

To be given to old Mr. Qinghua and the queen of Northern Europe after the meeting.

This auction could attract so many rich people from Europe and America,

All thanks to these two people who helped to promote the pill and gave endorsem*nt.

Therefore, Charlie deliberately prepared a simple banquet at Shangri-La and invited the three to have a snack.

Zhongquan and Qinghua already knew each other, so the two of them had a good talk at the table,

While the former Nordic Queen Victoria, at this table, was obviously a bit rushed.

Although she was once the empress of a country, but now she has abdicated and lost the halo of the empress.

And tonight at this auction, her self-confidence was not less hit by those crazy bidding rich people behind her,

There is no doubt that she came in by the back door, the value of wealth among these two hundred people it is the absolute bottom of the pile.

And Charlie earned more than 170 billion in one night today by selling the Rejuvenation Pill,

And it was all in US dollars, so sitting at this table right now,

She was flattered and at the same time was also apprehensive.

However, Charlie, who had earned more than one hundred billion, remained humble in front of these three people.

He personally poured wine for the three, rose and raised his cup, politely saying,

“Today, I thank the three of you for coming all the way here and supporting your junior, this cup of wine I toast you!”

The three people coincidentally wanted to stand up, but Charlie said,

“Please sit down, this glass of wine is for me as a junior to toast you all, you must not be polite.”

Qinghua busily said: “Young master Wade, I am a python ……”

As soon as Charlie heard it, he knew that he was going to move to the fate of a story,

And quickly interrupted him and said, “Mr. Lai, the fate of that set, we do not care at this table,”

“If I do not know you, met on the bus also have to get up to give you a seat, you do not need to be too polite with me now.”

Zhongquan rarely enjoyed Charlie’s respect, so he hurriedly advised Qinghua:

“Mr. Lai, just sit down, don’t make things difficult for Charlie.”

Only then did Qinghua nodded and said with a clasped fist, “Young Master Wade, then allow me to be rude!”

Charlie smiled faintly, and looked at the old queen beside him, she at this time is even more nervous and full of apprehension,

Not able to decide whether to sit or stand, her legs slightly hard,

Keeping a bit of distance between her body and chair, half-standing half-sitting.

Charlie said: “Ms. Iliad, it is the same for you too, please sit down.”

Only then did the old queen sat back in her chair and said gratefully,

“I would also like to thank Mr. Wade for his unprecedented invitation,”

“Otherwise I would not have the qualifications to participate in this auction.”

Charlie said with a smile, “I see you have bid a few rounds at the beginning, how do you feel?”

The old queen said with embarrassment: “That is because I was not self-respecting ……”

“I thought I might have a chance to get the first copy of the Rejuvenation Pill by putting up my entire fortune,”

“But I did not expect that the first copy would fetch a sky-high price of two billion dollars,”

“Which has far exceeded the wealth of our entire Iliad family ……”

Charlie faintly smiled: “In fact, invite you to be a VIP, it was with the hope that you could come to the scene to support me,”

“You came to the auction yourself, self-lowering your status, I am thankful.”

Chapter 4092

The old queen laughed twice, but in her heart, she was thinking,

“What’s the point of degrading myself, if I can get a copy of the Pill, I’d be willing to spend all my money. ……”

She could only say with a humble face, “Mr. Wade is right, I was a bit abrupt.”

Charlie shook his head and said seriously, “I am not saying that you are abrupt,”

“I am saying that there is no need for you to compete with them because you are a VIP,”

“Whether you have more assets than them or not, your position here with me is higher than the two hundred or so of them.”

Hearing this, the old queen felt that her inferiority complex had finally been relieved a little.

Although she was not strong, but since Charlie gave her respect like this, that was indeed enough to straighten her back.

In fact, although she didn’t manage to bid the Rejuvenation Pill tonight, her presence as a VIP did make her feel facetious.

She hurriedly said respectfully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade, for thinking so highly of me.”

“Our entire Iliad family, too, owes its existence to your help, Mr. Wade ……”

After saying that, she hurriedly moved out her granddaughter Helena and said seriously,

“Helena often talks about Mr. Wade in front of me, this time, she has been missing Mr. Wade very much,”

“Also very eager to see Mr. Wade again, but she has now ascended to the throne, with the identity of the Queen restrictions,”

“She can not leave the country at will, please forgive me, Mr. Wade ……”

Charlie also knew that the old queen deliberately mentioned Helena, actually wanted to get close to him.

For this point, Charlie naturally saw through it and said with a smile,

“Please tell Helena that we will definitely meet again in the future.”

The old queen nodded repeatedly and said with an expectant face,

“If Mr. Wade has time, you are always welcome to come to Northern Europe,”

“Although Helena is not very convenient to leave the palace, but the interior of the palace is still very private,”

“You can come to the palace for a few days when you have time.”

Charlie casually promised a sentence: “Okay, I will come later when I have the opportunity.”

After saying that, he looked at the old empress, and then looked at Qinghua, and seriously said,

“By the way, the two old seniors have come from Europe and the United States from far away this time,”

“So you are indeed very kind to the junior, so the junior has also prepared some small gifts for the two of you, please don’t mind.”

After saying that, he took out two rosewood boxes from his pocket and handed them to Qinghua and the old queen respectively.

Both of them seemed to guess that the boxes probably contained the Rejuvenation Pill, so they were both a bit emotional all of a sudden.

Even an old man like Qinghua, who had walked through a hundred years of great storms, still had some difficulty in holding it down.

Charlie spoke at this time: “In these two wooden boxes, there are a quarter of Rejuvenation Pill each,”

“Which is a small token of appreciation, please accept them.”

Hearing that it was indeed the Rejuvenation Pill, the two people’s hands trembled a little.

The old empress had been looking forward to the Rejuvenation Pill for a long time,

And today’s auction had shown her the market price of this elixir,

And she had been so devastated that she thought she might never have the chance to get the Rejuvenation Pill again in her life.

So at this moment, when she saw Charlie take the initiative to give her a copy, tears of excitement came out of her eyes at once.

Although Qinghua had already taken a whole Rejuvenation Pill,

He also knew that it was the reward Charlie had given him after he had broken the trap of the Dragon Trap Shoal for him.

Since Charlie had escaped from the trap of the dragon trap,

He had long since soared to the heavens and would not need to break the trap for him in the future,

So he had thought that he would not have the chance to obtain the Rejuvenation Pill again in his life.

But what he didn’t expect was that Charlie would take the initiative to give him a quarter of a Rejuvenation Pill as a gesture of thanks,

Which also made his heart very excited.

The value of one Rejuvenation Pill, which can prolong life for at least ten to twenty years,

And a quarter of it, which can prolong life for at least three to five years, went up to $38.2 billion at the auction.

And for Qinghua, even if he could give more money, he could not offset the effects of this pill!

Chapter 4093

Although these three VIPs today, did not dare to hope that this time just to participate in the auction,

They can get the gift of Rejuvenation Pill, but for Charlie, since he invited them over, how can he really let them make a trip for nothing.

A rejuvenation pill was divided into three parts,

Grandfather got half, Mr. Lai and the old queen each got a quarter,

Which in his opinion was also a more reasonable way of distribution.

Among these three, grandfather has not yet eaten the Rejuvenation Pill.

He is not too old, half of the rejuvenation pill will be able to give him a great improvement.

And Charlie himself also left a hand, if he gives grandfather one at a time,

In case the old man in youthful ambition wants to regain control of the Wade family, then it will certainly become trouble.

Give him half a pill at a time, so that he eats the marrow, the future desire for Rejuvenation pill gets higher,

So for the matters of the Wade family, he can also be more cooperative with him.

After all, although they have actually taken over the Wade family,

But the Wade family heirs mostly pull cr0tch, so for many matters, he still needs the old man.

As for Qinghua and the old queen, it is completely out of favor,

The two gave much help in the promotion of the Rejuvenation Pill, it is only right to talk about the feelings.

The old queen was afraid that the night would be too long,

So she didn’t hesitate and ate the rejuvenation pills directly.

She had just awakened from a critical illness some time ago,

And her body was relatively weak, so she couldn’t wait to use the rejuvenation pill to improve it.

After the pill entered her mouth, she really felt indescribably comfortable all over her body,

And her sense of strength was also much stronger, and she instantly regained the state she was in four or five years ago.

Qinghua originally wanted to keep this Rejuvenation Pill, in case there was any use for it in the future.

But seeing that the old queen has eaten it, he is also embarrassed to leave the Rejuvenation pills to take away.

After all, Charlie’s own uncle wanted to spend more than 300 billion to take away a Rejuvenation Pill,

Charlie did not agree, if he takes this Rejuvenation Pill away, it is not really appropriate.

So, he also put this quarter of the Pill into his mouth in front of Charlie.

Although taking the Pill this time was not as shocking as taking a whole one last time,

It still made him obviously feel that his body became a lot younger than the last time.

Two people to Charlie are full of gratitude, Charlie spoke politely two sentences, and then opened everyone to eat.

This meal was eaten by all the guests.

After the meal, after Charlie sent the three back to the administration building,

He said to Zhongquan, “Grandpa, I have something I want to ask you for advice, why don’t we go to your room for a chat.”

“Sure!” Zhongquan readily agreed, and after bidding farewell to the other two, he led Charlie to the room where he lived.

The grandfather and grandson sat across from each other on the sofa, and Charlie asked him,

“Grandpa, the number 99 who was kicked out at the auction today, do you know him?”

Zhongquan said, “No, I don’t know him, why?”

Zhongquan was impressed by that person because that guy scared him so much.

When he opened his mouth and talked of three hundred and seventy billion dollars.

However, he didn’t know what exactly that person’s origin was.

Charlie asked him at this time, “I asked others, and they said, that person is my great uncle, Marshal An.”

“Marshal An? Surprisingly, it was him ……” Zhongquan’s eyes widened and he didn’t come back from the shock for a long time.

Charlie opened his mouth and asked, “You don’t know him?”

Zhongquan smiled sarcastically: “Your grandfather’s family was quite discontented with our Wade family back then,”

“When your mother married here, her mother’s family did not even come,”

“I have never met with your uncles before, only some years ago at the summit in Sweden met your second uncle Marcus,”

“When he was on stage, I was offstage, I saw the real person from afar,”

“Later I thought to get close to him, to visit him But he was not willing to see me.”

It seems that the An family really does not look up to those surnamed Wade.”

Chapter 4094

Zhongquan mocked, “He does not look up to me, but he said at the time, of the people surnamed Wade, he recognizes you.”

He said, “By the way, your great uncle came to the auction and wanted to take the Rejuvenation Pill away,”

“I don’t know who he intended to buy it for, your grandfather or your grandmother?”

“I’m not sure.” Charlie said, “I don’t have any contact with him yet,

So I don’t know who he is buying the Rejuvenation Pill for.”

Zhongquan said, “Charlie, I think you can make contact with your grandfather’s family, it may not be a bad thing.”

As he said, he added: “But to contact, it is best to start with your grandfather or your second uncle,”

“As far as I know, the An family in this generation, the real right to speak, is your second uncle Marcus,”

“After your mother left the An family, the An family many businesses your second uncle took them over,”

“And also doing very well, your grandfather has long set your second uncle as the successor of the An family. “

Charlie shook his head and said, “I don’t have the idea to meet with them yet, let it be.”

Zhongquan spoke, “The An family is after all one of the top three families in the world,”

“If you can get their support, it will definitely have many benefits for your future development.”

Charlie said indifferently, “Not to mention that I have no intention to identify with them now,”

“Even if the truth is recognized one day, I will not let them support my development,”

“In front of the interests, kinship may not be reliable, this kind of thing is better to rely on others than rely on yourself.”

Said, Charlie remembered something, “Right grandfather, my great uncle’s people are still here,”

“I think if he still wants to get the Rejuvenation pills, he will definitely find a way to contact you,”

“If he finds you, do not disclose my situation to him.”

Zhongquan nodded and asked, “What if he asks me to help him buy the Rejuvenation Pill? How should I reply?”

Charlie said, “This is simple, you can first ask him what he wants the Rejuvenation Pill for,”

“And by the way, promise him that you can help consult, and then just cold-treat him,”

“If he does not ask you, you do not have to reply to him, if he comes to ask you,”

“You can just say that there is no progress, for the time being, just keep hanging him.”



At this time, Marshal is sitting on the sofa in the hotel room, holding a hand-made amulet of Charlie,

Eyes looking out of the window at the night scene of the city, his heart is depressed.

It was a huge regret for him not to be able to take away the Rejuvenation Pill when he came over this time.

Moreover, before he participated in this auction, he had already registered with the identity of ‘Conrad Huo’,

And his face was firmly bound to the identity of ‘Conrad’ with the organizer of the Rejuvenation Pill Auction,

And he was also deprived of the right to continue to participate in the Rejuvenation Pill Auction next year.

Even if he came back next year with a new identity, his face would not be able to pass the organizer’s facial recognition.

In other words, he would not be eligible to come back to this auction in the future.

In case a few years later, when he is dying and also needed the Rejuvenation Pill to renew his life,

There is no way to attend the auction in person, which meant that there is no chance of getting the Pill with any amount of money.

When he thought of this, he wanted to go to Warnia of the Song Group and plead with her in person,

Asking her to give a message to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill to turn a blind eye.

But when he thought that he had offered US$370 billion in cash on the spot, and the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill was still unmoved,

He gave up the idea of seeking humiliation any further.

After thinking about it, he decided to look for a breakthrough from Elder Wade for the time being.

After all, the Wade family was also one of the organizers of the Rejuvenation Pill auction this time,

And Elder Wade was also invited as a VIP and also took half of the Rejuvenation Pill in public,

So he should be very familiar with the owner behind the Pill.

Moreover, the An family and the Wade family had been relatives after all,

So it would always be useful for Zhongquan to help put in a good word in front of the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill.

If he is slightly mindful of his old feelings.

So, he immediately said to his attendant, “Go and ask for Zhongquan Wade’s contact information immediately!”

Chapter 4095

For ordinary people, to get the contact information of a top tycoon like Zhongquan Wade, it is basically as hard as reaching the sky.

However, for Marshal, it was not difficult to inquire about Zhongquan’s contact information.

Soon, he got the required cell phone number.

Immediately after, he did not hesitate to call.

At this moment, Zhongquan was chatting with Charlie,

When the phone rang, he picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was an American number,

so he could not help but frown and said to Charlie: “Charlie, I’ll take a call.”

Charlie nodded and made a gesture of, please.

Zhongquan picked up the phone and spoke, “Hello, who is it?”

On the other end of the phone, Marshal said with a smile, “Hello Uncle Wade!”

Zhongquan instantly with some doubts getting a strange number, and directly being called Uncle Wade, he thought is it the child of some deceased relative?

He was surprised when he suddenly felt that the other party’s voice sounded familiar.

It felt as if it was the same man who was expelled by Warnia at the auction today.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly made a mouth shape to Charlie, and the mouth shape gestured only one word: Marshal.

Then, while turning on the speaker, he asked, “Which one are you?”

Marshal said humbly, “Uncle Wade, I’m Marshal An, Margaret is my real sister.”

“Huh?” Zhongquan asked in mock surprise, “You …… you are Margaret’s brother?”

“Right.” Marshal busily said, “We have a total of five siblings, I am the second in line.”

Zhongquan suddenly realized: “So that’s how …… you have my phone number?”

Marshal explained, “I asked someone to inquire about your phone number,”

“So I called you, if there is any presumption, please do not take offense.”

“It’s fine.” Zhongquan sighed, “After all, Margaret is the daughter-in-law of our Wade family,”

“And you are her brother, so you are a relative of our family, so you don’t have to be so polite with me.”

If before today, Zhongquan had said these words to the An family, he would have been scoffed at by the An family.

Because except for Margaret, the other An family members did not consider the Wade family members as relatives at all.

When Zhongquan, as an elder, took the initiative to get close to Charlie’s second uncle at the Swedish summit,

And was disliked, it was evident that the An family really did despise the Wade family.

However, Marshal now has to beg for Zhongquan, so when he heard Zhongquan’s words, his heart suddenly sighed with relief.

He felt that the Wade family’s senior, indeed, still gave a face to the An family.

This also made him relax a lot, so he said over the phone, “Uncle Wade, you’re right, our two families are relatives,”

“But we haven’t had much contact over the years, so we should have more contact in the future.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Zhongquan is also an old fox, naturally, he will not lose to anyone,

So he said very politely: “Marshal, you suddenly find my phone to contact me, there must be something,”

“We are all family, let’s not be so polite, what is the matter you just say.”

Marshal said with a smile, “Uncle Wade is really a quick person, then I will not be polite with you!”

“I heard that the Wade family also participated in the auction of the Rejuvenation Pill in Aurous Hill,”

“And I also heard that you were a VIP at the auction, is there such a thing?”

Chapter 4096

Zhongquan said with a smile, “Only so much, what’s wrong? You are also interested in this auction?”

Marshal said, “Uncle Wade, I’m not going to hide it from you,”

“I want to ask you to help me introduce the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“I want to ask him for a Rejuvenation Pill, the price and everything is not a problem, do you think it’s convenient?”

When Zhongquan heard this, he said in a difficult manner, “Oh, Marshal, you don’t know how hot this Rejuvenation Pill is now!”

“At today’s auction, someone even offered a price of 370 billion dollars just for a Rejuvenation Pill.”

Marshal’s heart was embarrassed beyond words, his mouth hurriedly stated,

“Uncle Wade, as long as the other party is willing to sell, money is not a problem for me,”

“It’s just that I can’t contact the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill right now,”

“That’s why I called to ask for your help ……”

Zhongquan remembered Charlie’s previous explanation, so he asked curiously,

“Marshal, those who buy the Rejuvenation Pill are all old men who are seventy or eighty years old,”

“You are younger than Margaret, so young, why do you still have to buy the Rejuvenation Pill?”

Marshal said, “Uncle Wade, I don’t want to buy the Rejuvenation Pill for my own use.”

Zhongquan asked, “Is there something wrong with your father or mother’s health?”

Marshal smiled and said, “Uncle Wade, the family’s situation is a bit special,”

“So it’s not very convenient to disclose, so please forgive me.”

Zhongquan then said, “Marshal, if it is true that the in-laws’ elders have any health problems,”

“You must not be embarrassed to share, this kind of thing I, as an in-law, will certainly do my best to help.”

Marshal said gratefully, “Thank you, Uncle Wade, I would like to ask you to help me make a connection now,”

“Can you see if you can let me meet with the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill?”

Zhongquan asked him, “Where are you? When do you want to meet?”

Marshal wanted to continue to lie, but once he thought that once Zhongquan could really help him make a connection,

And let him meet with the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill, the other party would definitely recognize him,

And then he might be displeased with the other party for hiding something.

So, he hesitated for a moment and then said, “Uncle Wade, let me tell you the truth,”

“I am now at Shangri-La in Aurous Hill, and the one who offered US$370 billion at the auction before it was me ……”

“Ah?!” Zhongquan is also an old actor, pretending to be surprised and asked,

“Marshal, that person who was expelled is you ah!”

“Yes ……” Marshal said awkwardly, “Originally, I wanted to offer a high price to buy the Rejuvenation Pill away,”

“But I didn’t expect the other party to pay so much attention to the rules and directly expelled me from the stage ……”

Zhongquan spoke, “This way Marshal, I understand your needs, that is,”

“You want to meet with the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill to see if you can buy one privately, right?”

“Yes!” Marshal busily said, “The price is fine, 370 billion if it’s too little, I can still add more!”

Zhongquan sighed and said, “Marshal, you don’t understand many things,”

“The owner of the Rejuvenation Pill has a very odd personality, he doesn’t think much of money,”

“And he is a man who can’t be seen, even I don’t have his contact information, he contacts me for when he has something,”

“So this matter you mentioned, I can only wait for him to contact me, try to help you communicate with him.”

“I can only try to help you communicate with him when he contacts me,”

“But when to communicate, if the communication could be done, this I can not guarantee you.”

Marshal asked: “Uncle Wade, do you know the name of this person?”

“If it’s not inconvenient for you, you can also reveal some information to me, and I will check it out myself.”

Zhongquan glanced at Charlie, then said, “Sorry Marshal, this person’s information I really do not know,”

“So, you wait patiently first, if there is news, I will give you the call first time!”

Chapter 4097

Seeing that Marshal was unwilling to reveal the purpose of buying the medicine,

Zhongquan followed Charlie’s previous instructions and prepared to first casually promise, and then treat him with a delaying tactic.

Marshal also knew in his heart that Zhongquan must be hiding something from him,

So he spoke: “Uncle Wade if you can help with this matter, the An family will not treat you poorly!”

“I heard that the Wade family lost a lot of money because of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“So if the An family helps, it won’t take long to make up for the loss!”

Marshal thought he knew very well the mentality of the rich and powerful who suddenly plummeted in value,

The mentality of many rich and powerful, in fact, is no different from that of a gambler,

Once a huge fluctuation in assets, the mentality will change greatly.

The Wade family lost half of its fortune at once,

Zhongquan, the head of the family is bound to scratch his heart and soul, thinking of recovering this part of the loss.

However, it is easy to lose half of the family fortune overnight,

But to recover this half of the family fortune, it may take ten or twenty years or even longer.

If the An family slightly pulls Zhongquan with a hand, then he will certainly be grateful.

Marshal with this speculation can not be considered wrong, but he completely misjudged the Wade family’s situation.

If the Wade family really lost half of the family fortune,

Zhongquan must be racking his brains to try to make up for the loss.

But the actual situation is that the Wade family strength did not receive any impact,

On the contrary, if you count Charlie’s strength, his assets, and connections, the Wade family’s strength is more than doubled.

Therefore, he had little feeling about this olive branch thrown by Marshal.

So, he righteously said to him: “Marshal, we are relatives, you might think that I do not want to help you,”

“let alone want to use this to negotiate with you on any terms, even if I beg him in this matter,”

“It is really not within my ability, what I can do is to help you inquire, but what comes from the other side is not in my hands.”

Marshal remember when Zhongquan is always rushing to cooperate with the An family,

But every time it was good, the old man did not hesitate to refuse.

He did not expect, now he represents the An family, extends to Zhongquan an olive branch and he did not buy it.

When he thought that the old man was trying to catch him, thinking how to change his words, Charlie gave Zhongquan a gesture to hang up,

And Zhongquan immediately said to Marshal: “Marshal I have something to do, let’s talk some other time.”

After saying that, without waiting for Marshal’s response, he directly hung up the phone.

Marshal at the other end of the phone was a bit caught off guard.

The person who hung up on him so rudely, other than the old man, it seems that there has never been another person.

When he was annoyed and uncertain, Zhongquan on the other side put the phone back into his pocket and said to Charlie:

“The An family is indeed used to being arrogant, they avoided me as a poor relative some years ago,”

“But now that they are asking me to do something, the arrogance in their bones has not changed.”

Charlie lightly said, “This great uncle of mine can shout out on the spot to take away the Rejuvenation Pill with 370 billion,”

“You can see that they are indeed arrogant, so arrogant that they do not put the rules set by others in their eyes,”

“Always think that as long as there is enough money, any rule will be changed for them.”

Speaking here, Charlie smiled slightly and said casually, “It doesn’t matter, since they feel good about themselves, just let them be.”

Then, he said, “Right grandpa, I have to go to the United States in a couple of days,”

“I may not come back until a month or so, so it will be hard for you to take care of the affairs of the Wade family.”

Zhongquan asked curiously, “Charlie, why are you suddenly going to the United States?”

“You’re not going to visit the An family, are you?”

Charlie shook his head and laughed: “Why? I am accompanying Claire to attend a training.”

Zhongquan nodded and said, “Okay, don’t worry about the Wade family, as for your uncle’s side,”

“I won’t rush to find him anyway, if he wants to find me, I definitely won’t see him either.”

“Okay.” Charlie stood up and said, “Grandpa, it’s getting late, you should rest early,”

“I should also go home, when are you going back to Eastcliff, I will go to the airport to see you off.”
Zhongquan said, “No need to toss and turn, I am an elderly person who sleeps less,”

“I wake up naturally at five o’clock, after waking up, just eat something,”

“Let Issac send me to the airport, you don’t have to come to see me off.”

Charlie thought, five or six o’clock to the airport is still a bit early, so he nodded and said,

“Grandpa, in that case, then I will not see you off, when I come back from the United States, then I will come to Eastcliff to see you.”

Chapter 4098

The next day.

The vast majority of the bidders who participated in the auction returned to where they came from one after another with the legend of the Rejuvenation Pill.

Although Marshal checked out of the Shangri-La Hotel, he did not leave Aurous Hill immediately but planned to touch base with Warnia again.

Coincidentally, Charlie also went to Song’s Group early this morning, and he wanted to touch base with her on matters related to the post-auction.

When he came to Warnia’s office, she handed Charlie a copy of the information prepared in advance and said to him,

“Master Wade, in yesterday’s auction, we received $148.7 billion in actual auction revenue in the auction portion of the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“And another $28 billion, which was Mr. Elnor’s installment;”

“followed by the four amulets you made, which fetched a total of 530 million dollars;”

“Lastly is our collection relief, which fetched a total of three hundred and sixty-five million dollars.”

Speaking of this, Warnia said with some embarrassment,

“Master Wade, I’m really sorry, Antique Hall’s resources are still a bit lacking in terms of ordinary artwork,”

“The best we could find basically took out, but compared to Sotheby’s and Christie’s, the top auction houses, there is still a big gap,”

“So the amount sold is not really high ……”

Charlie said with a smile: “It does not matter, the reason why there is still a shortage this time,”

“It is because Antique Hall popularity has not yet played out, but now, Antique Hall in the world’s top wealthy groups must have made a great reputation,”

“Next year when preparing for the auction, just need to let the wind out in advance,”

“Those who hold the top art will certainly come to Antique Hall in droves to cooperate with you.”

Warnia nodded and said seriously, “Master Wade, for this auction, thank you so much!”

“Thank you for giving me and Antique Hall this opportunity, thanks to you, Antique Hall can have such an opportunity to soar to the sky……”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “Warnia, we are in a cooperative relationship, through cooperation, we take what we need,”

“Mutual benefit and grow together, you should not say thank you one after another.”

Warnia nodded her head slightly in gratitude, then hurriedly said,

“Okay Master Wade, in this auction, the revenue from the Rejuvenation Pill and the amulet added up to 149.23 billion dollars;”

“However, at the moment, from a financial perspective, there are no costs behind the revenue of more than 140 billion dollars:”

“If we have no costs, basically it is all net profit, to pay corporate income tax at 25%, you see how this should be reasonably and legally coordinated?”

“The raw materials for making the Rejuvenation Pill on your side,”

“As well as the costs incurred in the production process, can they be included?”

Charlie laughed: “How much do the raw materials cost? With 149.23 billion dollars in revenue,”

“The 0.3 billion dollars after the decimal point is too much, not to mention that I made the production process myself,”

“So it’s impossible to quantify the cost.”

Warnia was shocked speechless and said,

“Master Wade, you really do not consider doing the planning? This is more than thirty billion dollars ……”

Charlie waved his hand and said firmly, “No, just do as I said, pay taxes according to the net profit.”

Warnia took a deep breath, nodded, and said, “Okay Master Wade, I’ll talk to the finance later to make it clear.”

Charlie nodded and added: “Okay Warnia, in addition to all the money Elnor allotted before,”

“Then in the name of the auction, help me take out ten billion dollars and donate it to the China Charity Federation,”

“But have to specify that half of this money should be used for the living,”

“Education and medical care of poor and young people under eighteen years olds,”

“And infants, orphans, and the other half should be used for medical care of old age, poor, widows, orphans and handicapped elderly over the age of 70,”

“And there is another requirement that they do not release the donor information to the public.”

Warnia was stunned speechless, but in her heart, she was exclaiming, “This is $10 billion ah …… really want to donate so roughly?”

Charlie followed up, “Right, donate another billion dollars to Aurous Hill,”

“The use is not limited, as long as it is helpful to the development of Aurous Hill, just use it for anything.”

Warnia’s heart trembled as she listened.

She has seen people doing charity, but really never seen such charity.

Chapter 4099

But Charlie is not finished at this point.

He remembered something and said: “Right Warnia, I also want to build a large orphanage in Aurous Hill,”

“The requirement is to accommodate at least more than 10,000 orphans, in addition to providing them with good life security,”

“But also to build supporting kindergartens, as well as twelve-year consistent school;”

“All the construction costs, manpower costs, teacher costs, daily maintenance costs, all of them are paid by me,”

“And the teacher team must be of excellent quality, not only to provide the children with excellent life and education,”

“But also to allow them to read from kindergarten all the way to high school graduation without any discrimination.”

“In addition, all children who go to university from this orphanage,”

“All university tuition and fees, living expenses are borne by the orphanage:”

Speaking of this, Charlie turned his words and said,

“In addition, all children who enter university from here must sign an agreement with the orphanage,”

“And in the future, after graduating from university or master’s or doctoral degree, they must return to work in Aurous Hill for at least five years,”

“So that they can contribute to the development of this city.”

Although Charlie is not a native of Aurous Hill, he has long regarded this city as his second hometown.

He has lived here for nearly twenty years, and now that he has some ability, he really wants to do something for the city.

Especially for the orphans in Aurous Hill, as well as the surrounding cities.

This orphanage and 12-year school complex is a dream that he wants to try to realize.

He actually often thinks back to his life in the orphanage, and those little friends there.

He often thinks of his former self, his co-inhabitants, some of whom went astray.

Before Leon found him, everything was actually not much good.

The biggest reason for this is that he has actually not undergone a very good higher education.

Of course, this is not to blame the orphanage, nor Leon.

After all, the orphanage itself can give these children shelter from the rain,

And ensure that they are fed and clothed, it is already very impressive,

No orphanage also managed these children to study in college after adulthood.

Although Leon had the ability to manage, but for the normal operation of the orphanage everything was kept low-key,

But he also dare not let the orphanage conditions look too out of ordinary.

Moreover, in those days, most of the orphanages because of the funds had conditions somewhat difficult.

Because of this, although Charlie’s middle school and high school studies were very good,

But after graduating from high school, in order to let the other younger siblings in the facility live a little better,

They went into the community early to work.

At that time, although Leon lamented this, but also felt that this was more beneficial than harmful to Charlie.

Because, a working Charlie and a University student Charlie, compared to the latter must be more exposed to the chances of something.

In this layer of consideration, Leon did not interfere with Charlie’s decision.

Now, Charlie does not have the worries that Leon had, so he intends to build such a utopian orphanage,

Not only to let these children have a good basic education, and the opportunity to receive higher education,

But also to let these children know how to be grateful, and in the future to contribute to the development of the city’s own strength.

Warnia could probably understand Charlie’s idea, so she said, “Master Wade, don’t worry,”

“I will definitely communicate with the city as soon as possible,”

“To see if we can help solve the problem of site selection and related qualifications.”

Charlie nodded and instructed, “The place can be remote, but the area must be large, we want to accommodate more than 10,000 children,”

“Their living, learning and daily leisure, arts and sports activities, in addition, also need to settle the relevant staff and take care of their accommodation and living problems,”

“Its scale should be at least as large as a 10,000 people level university, and possibly even larger.”

Warnia said: “Master Wade don’t worry, I will discuss this matter with the city administration in detail,”

“You want to do such a big good deed, the city will definitely be very supportive.”

Charlie sighed: “I am hoping that through our Rejuvenation Pill auction, the entire international popularity of Aurous Hill and the degree of economic development, are brought up to a level,”

“And when the winter snow side of those high-end projects are determined when the time comes to call this group of rich people again to Aurous Hill,”

“Let them do their best to invest in Aurous Hill property, at that time, the city will certainly leap to become a charm for them!”

Warnia laughed: “When the popularity of the Rejuvenation Pill continues to spread,”

“By then, I’m afraid that all the rich people in the world will have to come to Aurous Hill to invest ……”

Charlie said confidently, “Don’t worry, this day will come soon.”

Chapter 4100

Warnia nodded and suddenly remembered something, so she asked Charlie:

“Master Wade, by then this orphanage, who are you going to give the operation to?”

“Will we hand it over to the city to operate after we build it all, or will you set up your own operating team?”

Charlie hesitated for a moment and said, “I personally prefer to let an aunt from the orphanage be in charge.

With higher education, with what I know about her, she should be able to handle it.”

Speaking of this, Charlie could not help but sigh again,

“It’s just that she has now gone to Canada to take care of herself, I can’t quite bear to make her work hard and bother again.”

Warnia thought about it and said, “Master Wade, the scale of your project is still very large,”

“Even if we have no problem with the funds, the hardware from site selection to construction to completion and acceptance,”

“It will take at least two to three years since you tend to build our own team to operate,”

“Then I think the person in charge of the matter is not in a hurry to set down immediately,”

“We have plenty of time to slowly We have plenty of time to slowly change it.”

“Also.” Charlie nodded and said, “You first touch program with the city, let’s try to complete the site as soon as possible,”

“And then as soon as possible to get the project design out!”

“Okay.” Warnia said, “I’ll go discuss it as soon as possible.”

Thinking of Auntie Li, Charlie thought of giving her and Xiaofen a call to ask them how they were doing lately.

Charlie calculated that the two of them were settled in Vancouver,

Which was 16 hours later than China, and it should be around six o’clock in the afternoon right now,

So the time should not disturb their rest.

So, he said to Warnia, “Warnia, I’ll make a phone call first.”

“Okay Master Wade.”

Charlie picked up his phone and found Xiaofen’s WeChat, so he sent her a voice chat.

There was a quick connection, and Xiaofen’s delighted voice came out, “Brother Charlie! How come you want to call me!”

Charlie laughed: “I miss you and Auntie Li, so I called to ask how you guys are doing in Canada, are you getting used to it?”

Xiaofen smiled and said, “We’re fine here, I am working in a laundry in Chinatown,”

“Auntie Li is raising flowers and vegetables in her yard every day,”

“Auntie Li’s previous employer gives her a lot of money every month, but she thinks it’s too meaningless to be idle every day,”

“Plus the money in her account is getting bigger and bigger, so she opened a convenience store,”

“I am now the store manager and cashier of the store!”

Charlie was surprised and asked: “You opened a convenience store? Is it just you and Auntie Li?”

Xiaofen said, “At the beginning, there were only two of us, but after getting on track, we were a little too busy, so we recruited another clerk.”

Charlie asked, “Running a convenience store must be very tiring, right?”

“It’s okay.” Xiaofen said with a smile: “Our convenience store is the same as the size of our domestic convenience stores,”

“And there is a special supplier, a phone call and they directly bring material to the store,”

“But we also do not need to personally go out for it, the daily work is also very simple,”

“It is all just to collect money, stocking, cleaning, nothing else. “

“Auntie Li is very energetic, she is good and polite, and also helpful,”

“So although the store opened not long, but the customers have been a lot!

Charlie asked: “Aunt Li is in? I’ll have a chat with her.”

Xiaofen said, “Auntie Li has gone to the community nursery class to help.”

“Nursery class?” Charlie asked curiously, “What kind of place is it?”

Xiaofen explained, “This side is called DayCare, in fact, similar to our domestic nursery,”

“In many Chinese families here both parents have to work,”

“And most parents are just over the struggle of the first generation of immigrants,”

“The elderly can not come to help, for the time being, so the children can only be given to the nursery care during the day;”

“The community in Chinatown organized a semi-public welfare nursery class to help these parents take care of their children on weekdays,”

“Auntie Li has been working in the orphanage for so many years, she knows the best way to take care of children, and she loves children,”

“And knows that the nursery class is short of staff, so she volunteered to help, and now she is the most popular in the nursery class!”

Charlie could not help but sigh: “People like Auntie Li are really like candles,”

“No matter where they are, they will burn themselves and light up others ……”

“Who says it’s not.” Xiaofen said with a smile, “Brother Charlie, Auntie Li usually always talks about you,”

“She misses you …… and I also …… I also especially miss you… …If you have time, remember to visit and see us!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 4071-4100 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.