The Childress Index from Childress, Texas (2024)

Wednesday, October 25, 1961 Tnt CHIL0R188 tWDlX. CHtLDRlESi. TEXASPAQf TWHfl Every girl should have a pair of Bertlyns or Two! instant fashion for every off-moment at. home. Styled in velvet, suede, gold leather or butter-soft leathers.

Sizes 5 to 10. 3.95 up Socials Fetes SOCIETY NEWS- Clubs Parties FKOM OUR ederated District To Convene In Childress BY IfKiLEY Protest of Aid i the Santa Rosa the spnns convention, District of the Texas Fc-deration in was the of Clubs that U- inji remark of vSanta Rosa presi-1 nited States money and property dent at workshop meeting in should not hi' given or sold to countries determined to destroy our way of life: Across the is the new study begun by Betty Tennison Circle with the first chapter taught by Mrs. Frank Decker, hostt'ss at her home Tuesday. OfX'ning prayer was by Mrs. J.

Lyons, followed by a brief bus meeting. group dismissi'd by prayer voicc'd by Mrs. Julius Stevens, after which were served. Others in attc-ndancc were IVImes. Hill, Law.

R. A Story, Mittie B. Loveless, and Cluvstcr llufstcdler and Liunb. IX)HIS Slf Atrs. Kiker first chapter of the new study, Across the Doris Sharpiey Cii' K- of linptist rhiiich iiotuf of Mrs.

Heniv P.ak<f Sr 'Phf' 0 ttie opciiiiig prav'i Visitor Mrs. Roy 'AMI president. with pra- i aiui during the hour, those iiK'ntioned and A Da eus, (Jene Prar son. I), Nash. Don Bobby Cliaffin and Leonard King.

Vernon on Monday. Theme of the workshop was 1 but emphasis to have been plactxl on forthcoming convention which I will be the resfxmisbility of I eral Mrs. Jerry Dugan i communist countries, and her De- ly Yugo.slavia; partment Club co-memlx'rs. Whera.s, it is known that the United States has given or planes and military equipment to and are training men for such specificai- REPORTS OUTLINE GIVEN CLUBS A directive for reports of Texas Federated Clubs in the entire Santa Rosa District, were released for benefit of individual club reporters during the workshop i Monday at Vernon. Carried as released, the infor- I mation was li.sti*d as follows; i 1.

Report everything the club I does, plus all civic, church and school activities done by the individual members. 2. Use Report Forms (questionnaires) which will be printed in Television Review Locals WEATHER FORECAST NEWS ITEMS ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW Amarillo yesterday for the band Fair through Thursday. Cooler contests. Whereas, in these troubled tim- By FRED DANZIG United NEW YORK (UP!) Good history always make for a good TV drama, in point; Saul play, by CBS-TV Tuesday night as part of the series, was ba.sed on a civil rights the November, 1961, issue of I case in the Nebraska of 1879.

The Texas for your i case involved a young 62 Club Annual Report. Do attach additional information to the Report Form, if you so desire, responsibility of having a placing it under the divi.sion of 11 ANITA JONES (IHi l.E Sjx-cial prayers offered for a memlK'r who is ill and the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry ('onn, members at the home of Mrs. Ji'rry ('ollins Tues day morninif Jerry n'atl of and pi-'v i for missionarit's who birthdays on th it day olfi ed by Mrs, Jim ullinN.

Mrs. Jim also tauLht the fir.St two chapters of ik 'W study, the Sea K-. were served after dismissal prayer l)v Mrs. Low, to om guest, Mrs and int'miH'rs Bill 4 1. Anna Silvoy.

Don Gal higher. F. 1). son and Henry Baker. Jr.

Cates ('ircU' was hostrss for 1 p.m lunclu'on Tuesday and the lesson afterwards on for Our I nn cheon tabU-s colorful an anriements of autumn flowers and Mrs. G. T. Palmer the Invo cation. The program Ix-iJan with the lesson and hymn with Mrs.

Pern Maddox at Opening pr-iyer was by Mrs. J. K. (rivens who also gave a uni- mary of study. Devotional given by J.

Haiiiil ton. ('losing meditation, J-ni- es, the wa by Mrs. R. Braney who one of the of the late I'eter ixiw faith and prayer in the world to illustrate, and clo; i with a prayer of Mrs. E.

J. Kuig voiced the prayer The 27 presi'nt heai'd announce nK'nts of the 11 a Day of Prayer and Self Denial for with Hill in and that is ing fruit cakes for tin robe tund District TFWC convene has not on local women since 1955 i and was most capably handled at that time, in spite of inclement weather. Mrs, Phillip of Burkt Santa Rosa out going president and was sponsored for a to be selocted state of- by body which met Monday in Wilbarger County vic Building. women were contact- by Mrs L(' Kinard, District Notmnations Chairman, to (Hie of our interested member, as a for a Santa Rosa officf, (H more hx-al charm, were the taljle ilecorations that the noon liour gather- and creatwl by jumor- lul) Modi'rn Home. Atterwling from Mixlern Home W('re President Mrs.

Bill Sager, -Mesdames Ross Smith, Atbi'it liird. Bill Dick Preston. Vein Rucker, Gene Mrs. Rucker w'as al so representative from the Tw'en- tu'th Century Study Club. -Mrs.

Sager Xonilnated Mrs Sager accepted the nomination for District Junior ('lub Director during the business session. Other- atti'nding were's Club Presi- di'iit, Mrs Cummings, first 1 of Mrs. Obert Stevns, and Parliament anan and District f.urs hairman Mrs. Morris Hig- ll'V. mec'tinL' oiX'ntHi with a coffee hour ami progressed into of open assembly.

keynote as given by i ireinia Browder of ho is vain to attem- to outstrip time and far to make tht most of it. This is the time to be The ad- rather more appreciated by those since Ru.ssia had. men, planes and equipment may used us; therefore the department to which it re- RESOLVED that we emphati-j 3 calty dLsapprove of the training 1 gpj yQuj, of communist pilots by the United States personnel and of the of the United States funds for military equipment to communist countries and-or bloc countries: and, l)e it further RESOI.VED, that copies of this fight, over federal opposition, to e.stablish the principle that the 14th Amendment applied to Indians. That Imlians were, in law as in fact, and that they could, if they chose, leave re.servation. Opposition to these principles, as organized by script, was half-h a d.

Everyone seemed too wiling to help Indians win This attitude, while commendable in practice, made for a plodding show. The element of conflict was The eedings were to a se- the Governor of Texas. Respecti- fully submitted and signed: Mrs. Higley; Mrs. Miss Hawkins; Mrs.

Jolm.son; Mrs. Ray Shirley, legislature chairman, Other Actions On the lighter side of the meeting were such charming moments as the luncheon address of Mrs. Kent, recent Vernon resident who accompanied Mrs, Lee Ozbim, NFWC president, to a series of seminars hcdd in Latin from January to January or whatever months you desire to use. 4. Report one program, project, or even only ONCE.

5. It would unusual for a I club programs or projects per- resolution should be to the tailed to only one depailment Depailment to each year, and the same could cer- ries of flat, hurried, loud, membtM- of the Texas tainly be true tliis year which ly coached brotherhood of man or- in the Texas Congress, and to jjj fine. Just report all that you ations. The flutter that comes have done; regardless of how I with triumph was missing at the much or how little. the lit -1 finish, tie drops added together make a Of course, the trouble wth big i placing a battle for human dig 6 Club presidents should ap-1 nity in a couitroom arena for point a Report Chairman if the part of a mere one-hour TV play president dot's not wish to serve i is that the characters get to dis- in this capacity.

play some slick Perry Mason-type 7. Club presidents should ap- legal footwork but flesh-and-blood point a chairman for each of our dialogue, meaning and txdiavior 8 departments. We call gets lost if the the Council of International Clubs careful. what went wrong a department. The Report Chair- with Dispos.sessed.” man and the 8 department chair- America.

Mrs. Kent did empha -1 are called the Report size the astounding conditions in! Each club depart- South America which she found nient chairman keeps a full ac to be relevant (anti-US) and dis- i count of all happemngs pertain- piaycHl by only the prevailing inK to her department throughout povvers and or the militant au-: the club year and is responsible me as over-di- thorities. The public of each for fiUJng out her department Re- rected, ineffectively formulated country seemtnl to pro-US, but torm. could only feeling with 8 Make at least 2 of placards and demonstrations. She each departmental report (ques- stresstxl the for a long-range tionnaire.) plan for our amba.ssadors and a.

Divide one set into de would encourage the US to give partments, and mail a copy such representatives liscense to pertaining to her department set up a series of projects with of each of your 8 department chairmen of the District, b. Mail one (1) complete set tonight. Low tonight 40. High Thursday 69. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Temperatures will average near normal except 3 to 5 degrees above normal extreme north Normal high 65 to 74 Normal low 35 northwest to 51 southvast.

No important daily changes. No precipitation expected. HERE AND THERE Mrs. Carl Bruegel and daughter Theresa of Dimmitt are spfmding the week here with her si.ster, Mrs. Mitchell Rule, and family.

Walter Lockhoof has returned from a business trip to Dallas. He had been there since Sunday. Mrs. Sim Vaughn, Mrs L. Bussey and Mrs.

Allen Harp accompanied a group of the Childress band students, by has, to ravel Topics By JAIME PIENN Press Inteniational will the US and our democratic way of life to people who are not prepart'd for any rule but that of dictatorship wht'rein lies impre.ssive domination of Lender a separate you will read a most important directive pt'rtaimng to your club reporting. It will not be all-inclusive, due to much extraneous wordage scorecard, plus any additional infonnation you wish to add. to the District Report Chairmen. The Scorecard is the basis for judging the Club Report. 9.

READ: September, 1961 issue Texas Clubwoman. but, everything for youi needs that morning, off a many I eaton explosion that has made i The meeting in Santa Rosa was t5Gll0S L-0iT0rS time indeed precious to all of us: i delightful that I enjoyed and presiding must be obvnous OlVG bOOKS officer for of the forums was that I gained a great deal of re- i for the women of our District must be even more appaar- ent. Unbeknonst to me seems that my District job entails more State Public Chairman, lss Kudora Hawkins, who. dur- in.i., the aftt'inoon assembly was firmlv critical of Texas le- EX ICO CITY (UPI)-An instructive and fascinating addition to the tours of this capital has in.sta!led in the Anthropology Museum It is a scale of ancient Tenochtit- lan, the great city which Hermar conquered and which Mexico City. The emarkable reproduction, which is 1,312 feet long and the same wide, includes detailed of 72 temples and other buildings devoted to religious services, surrounded plazas, civil government build-' ings markets, in a huge center section of the citv which was i shapiKl as an almost square.

to the mu-seum see this scale mixlel of Tenochtitlan as Spaniards saw the city when entered here more than four centuries agao. that time, the capital wa'i a city on an island. by canals and approached through a series of bridges that linked two mam highways to the center The Conquistadores destroyed most of the buildings to fill in Of all the new hour-long series the canals and thus changed the this season. I think I topography, facilitating the entry has followeil aixl withdrawal of troops. On lop the in the quest' of the ri'ins, they built other struc- for meaningful well-acted tures, some of which still are and standing Thus far, its three presentations All that has been visible, as a have held notes to a bare result excavations, of the old i minimum.

Tue.sday Aztec city wa.s party of the grand i was most re and the ba.sem*nt of the 1 sourceful in keeping a viewer on great temples. These the of seat. are loc.ittxi the present Lloyd Bridges, as Air Force surface of a street adjoining the one thing for a lawyer to tell the court that life is tough for Indians on the reservation. another to make the suffering a vivid pre.sence. Tuesday product struck and, except for Hernandez in the role of Chief Standing Bear, insensitively acted.

The cast included Dekker as the judge, Earl Holliman as the young lawyer, Ralph Bellamy as the lawyer, Conrad Nagel as an Army man, and Dina Merrill as a part-Indian who pushed tlx' case forward. Miss Mrs. Jim Hankins, a patient in Northwest Texas Hospital, Ama-. rillo, will undergo for a broken hip Thursday morning. according to a daughter Mrs.

ton Willingham, who visitixl here breifly Tuesday, enroute home io Paducah. Mrs. Hankins the fracture in a fall while at Mrs. home. Mrs.

Willene Beck was in rillo yesterday visiting in the' home of her daughter and husband. and Mrs. Bill Martin. Mr. and Mrs.

Hal C. Reynolds, have returned home to Almagor- do. after visiting here a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Mitchell.

Mrs, Deskin Wells of W'ellington was a business visitor here this morning, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Leary i and children of Midland are in Childress in preparation to moving into their new home here, and also have bi-en visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs Marvin Leary of Northfield Mr, and Mrs L.

lhave returned from a trip through South Mr, Lloyd Walkup, Linda and Sharon the weekend in Dallas with Mr and Mrs. Bill and family and Mrs. Pearl Craft, All attended Fair, I -Mr. and Mrs Menefee are I vacationing with friends and rela lives in Scottsville Ky Mr and of Wichita Falls have after a I visit in the home of his sistt'r. I Mrs.

Walker Green. vii siting Mrs. Green has a bro ther and wife, Mr, and Mrs, Greenwoixl of Denison. They all visited Tuesday in F'stelline with Mr. and Mrs.

Ben T. Jackson. Mrs, Beatrice Austin of Dallas has visiting friends in Childress, "LCXDK PRETTY" Swing into a wTap and tie cotton swirl embroideried or printed in winter refreshing colors all creasc controlled for minimum care. 7 95 and 8 95 POWDER SHO Temperatures The maximum temperature for the past 24 hour period ending at 11 a W'ednesilay was 6 degrees at 4 pm, Tue.sday, The minimum was 54 degrees at 8 a W'ednes- day. Temperatures follow: Tuesday Wednesday 12 77...

12 59 1 81 1 58 2 2 57 385 .3 56 4 457 5 8.3 5 57 72 6 i 72 7 55 8 70 8 9 56 10 10 11 60 11 82 Hosoilal News ADMriTED Don Morren, Tuesrlay Ozzie Barnes. Tuesday Mrs D. Naron t(Klay DISMISSED George Anderson, Tuesday Rideout. Williamson, It's harder to keep your chin up after you have acquired more than one of them. of Que.stionnaires, plus the Merrill supplied one of many incongruous frontier touches with her false evelashes.

CLEANING PROLONGS LIFE OF CLOTHES To Library Belles Lettres Club, in response Lt. Wallace Brown, a soldier wht) central square, to the need of additional books at was subjected to horrifying men- In that same ancient ruin, the nViilivo'on thp just a conscientious job of i'he County and school libraries, tal by Conimuniiit brain- National Institute of Hislory and 1 laiuKs HiuK utKau taking care of club i decided to donate books to the washing techniques Korea and has a mu- County Library during a mi'eting them back, was unsparing of which thus occupies a por- at the home of Mrs. Dora Diggs. as he threw himself into tion of was the temple and alos vittnl to contri- role. He made the exper- provides a panorama of Teno- hute to all Fi'deration projects.

ience a palpable one. chtitlan bocia Caenaar WEDNESDAY MetlKKlist Prav('r (iroup a.m. home Mrs, ll. i'ity Council of 9 30 a in. at the ('itv Hall.

T5II RSDAY Guild. Central Chri, tian Fel'owsh'p 7 :50 p. m. Wesleyan ice (iiiild, p. Mrs A.

P. Hamilton, Jr. South HDC, 1 p.m. home Mrs W. 1.

Brown. Methodist dinner, 7 p.m. FHIDAV i'hrislian Primary classes llallowet'ii Party, 7 p.m. at church, Driver Education Aid bill recently turned down at a 12 to 18 vote in the last session of Congress. StMiaior Rogers Conunendt'd It was with chagrin that the Wiihita area women learmni their Senator Moffitt had against such a bill and with much we.

of Senator Andy district heard an nounct'd his vote and efforts. Miss Hawkins, representative of West Texas I'tilities was invited by Mrs, Higley to preside at the forum meeting hich wa, attiMided by more than 30 (1 i net women. The tinie of one minute given Mrs. was also to Hawkins who was to be of the out.standing and, to overtime ei this most woman had two minutes to brief wo- ()i the violence of ri.i'hts in accepting Federal Aid; the lUM'd to know and contact le: eislative represent at the need taking care of club reports it is agood job and I pray a Childress Woman will undertake the responsibility during the coming 1962-63 years. learned much and wish I had had more on the ball when I took the position.

Any candidates? 4-H Clubs COUNTY OUNCIL 4-H Council and several adult leaders met Monday afternoon at the courthouse and after ceremonies, divided into three workshop groups and made final plans for Achievement Dinner set for 7 p.m. Nov. 4. All families are to bring food for their group to the dinner to the dinner to be at Fair Park Auditorium. Susan Cross as acting chairman, and participating in Char- Reviewer Miss Nellie Agens; Unfortunately, some corny pro- Kenney was by pro- gram-padding was dragged in gram chairman Mrs. those false notes I Bowers gave an excellent re- fore and was some puz- view and the Ec-1 zlement at some of the action and by Irving Stone, a power accompanying obtrusive dramatic ful hctional biography of Michel- chords. But the overall impact of angelo, as man of the story of one heroic human since the 15th ordeal was enonnous none- The hostess servcxi a dessert theless, thank.s to plate to those mentiomxi and to trayal. Kate Bigger.staff, Lula Mae Car ter, Carrie Mae Diggs, Julia, Frances Long and Mmes. Rowden Jefferies. Frank Wallin.

Louise Bowers, (rlen Stiner, I. Hught'S, Lillie Castleberi 7 hughes, Lillie Ca.stleberry, Mat- Channel Swun: A new long term contract calls for to resume its westward trek on ABC-TV next fall The series, now in its fifth season on ii a rold NBC TV, will continue with John tie Price, P. A. Preslar and Ma-1 Mclntire as wagonmaster. Robert ry Jane Heath.

for hac kiiiL. su.h human car-1 Seat Relt Safely, Cani-r Crusade efforts; and the nalene Beanien, and Paula Shaw, survival iuhhI for our citizens to read, read, and read again, to It .1111 and digest. It was Mrs plea.sure for ('hildress Book ('lub, sjxxifi- eally. and women of this county ueiK'ially. to announce that the film, and Two will sliown locally within the next two months.

This ('ontrol film deals with the uteri- nal examinations, comparable with the splendid breast ex- I amination films, shown a few I years ago. KESOIiniONS I Under the direct of Mrs. Higley, Public Relations I Chairman for the Santa Rosa Dis- party by moving the event to tlu' trict (and most embarrassed who also gave reports Others present were Bob Jones, Linda Camei-on, James Roy Austin, Mary Ann Au.stin, Felton Cameron, memln'rs, and adults Mmes. Buford Rogers, M. Cross and Montie Cameron, and County Mary Scott arxi Chile Smith.

Unusual Party Planned By Bonehead Explorers Bonehead Boys will treat their dates with an Christmas of October 31 at the oik heatl Scout House. A tree will ho cut and trinmu'd, and games and refr('shments are planned at parts, will on ('hristmas carols and jxissibly go carolin.g at homes of ex-Bontiieads. An ONChangt'd of is planned also, an adult baid. son to be writing this under her own by-line as the instigator of the sensible resolution which actually came frcmi the heart and brain of Mrs. (irover C.

Johnson of Wichita Falls, who is a g(xxl friend and more thinking woman') the following was approved and will be forward I to the many folk governing our lives. say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY TO Mrs. D. B. a ine Mrs.

W. C. Adams Gene Hall linda Davis Jay Sharp Mrs. H. H.

Reavis Lowell Wakefield Dannye Baker and TOMORROW TO Mrs. H. D. Wilson Mrs. Zadie Adair Marcus Webb Bill Hassell Mr.

and Mrs. R. Sims Honored At Estelline ESTELLINE (Spt'cial) IVIr. and Mrs. Ronald Sims were complimented with a shower and party recently in parlors of the First Baptist Church here.

He is now stationed at M. Sill, Okla. and white colors predo- Rtxl and white colors predeo- minattxi in the lavish decorations and also at the refreshment table in white and centerixl with rtxl candles in crystal hold ers and red dahlias with fern, nuKlley of pano music was provided by Miss Elaine Seay as guests as.sembk'd, and Donna Sue Eddins presided at the lxx)k. Serving of tinted punch were by Janie Buchanan, Dianne Phillips and Sandra Kay Rogers, Approximately 50 attendixi. Horton leaves the show at eml of the NBC trail.

"Come Again to will presented on FYiday, 8 as the second in the of dramatic Written by (Yean, play is alKiut a nun who to que.stion riiigious motivation during a brief visit home. a kiddy series that consists of silent two- reelers starring such comedians as Turpin, Andy Clyde and Billy Bevan, is being nationally. BLUEBIRD NEWS HAPPY Bird ftx'ders of strings of and bread on brightly colored string and coat hangers, were made by Happy filue Birds who met al the Cabin in Fair Park with Susan Bird in charge. The girl.s t(x)k a short hike and plac(xl bird fetKiers in trees at the park. Mrs.

Wallace Campbtdl assist- Read The Clossifieds! Chuckles In The News FAN IN A HURRY WASliINGTON fore kickoff at the Washington- I St. Louis pro football game Sun -1 vd her daughter, Nancy, in day the public address announcer ing delicious refreshments to said: those mentiont'd and to Vicki the driver of car bt'aring Dill, Pat Fenter, Lynna Hawkins, license report to the Roxanne Jones, Carol Mills, Cin- parking area olease. You left your dy Shelton, and leader Mrs. Best Sellers (CoinpihHi by Weekly) Fiction The Agony and the Ecstasy Stone. To Kill a M(Hkingbird- lA'e Franny awl mm inger.

Mila Ur is. The Robbins, llie of The Winter of Our John Steinbeck Tropic of Miller ChKk Hand.s—Carson McCullers, Schmitt. Nonfiction The Making of the President, liMitK-Theixlore White. A Nation of Lini- erer The im and Fall of the Thin! illiam L. Shirer.

Inside ItKlay Gunther, The English Bible: The Testament. Ring of Bright Water Gavin axwell. Russia and the West under in ami A SwanlxMg The Spanish Civil Thomas. Waller Sheppard Murder Paul Homes. Life with How to Survive Peck.

SNIFFLERS STAY AWAY ST. LOUIS. Mo. (UPD Zoo attendants with the sniffles have been ordertKj to stay away from Siegfritxl, ihe baby walrus. St, Louis Zoo Director George P.

Vierheller said the human cold virus can prove fatal to a 350 pound baby like Siegfritxl, who is 15 months old. motor B. Mills. Read The Classifieds! A Loiindrf Sonitone Dry Cleaning Unen Supply FREE Pick Up And Delivery A 201 Ava. G-NW.

Dial WE 7-3961 Kathleen Harcrave Hi gals, you just to sm a man dn'ssed in a freshly clearuKl and suit, a clean crisp shirt and a neallv titvi Sure vou do and if you will just look ar )und when vou see a gi'nfleman all dressed up. vou will manv a head turn, male and female 1 know we all have gone in for the more casual dress, but there is a djfferei-ee. say what you will. It IS met' to have a full of clothi s. but most of US are not that fortunate Lucky for Uv vou doni to have a world of to well*d.

you nettl is a cleaned and presMHl and readv to wear arul aces ssories to change the ba i. the oecassion In fact some of gals and I know deni iave manv different outfit they keep thi'in ip top shapt' Of course, you know where they tlu-ir suits and clraned, jt Hargraves Tht'y know that and Diy Cn ull thosf clothes thr best of care and thiit aninu the life of clothe. can ''tand over thal inmiiiK boai(i all day. but you can pul out a shirt thal is as pretty as a that is done up a Har-raves that man iim I't us kc'-p his "hirt band box fresh for him and he will really a I in every since of the word. Ju renieinbi'r fine rh aniiiK and lauiKlei MV: always omes Hai iothes frit'iid Bvf now, set hi next week..

The Childress Index from Childress, Texas (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.