Puppies For Sale Near Me
French Bulldog Puppies For Sale
French bulldog puppies for sale 3 males 2 females with papers $2000.00 without papers $1500.00Buy Now
Purebred Bichon Frise
We have a litter of four very healthy and cute Bichon puppies one girl and two boys.They are very playful and never bite.Bichon are hypoallergenic. They don’t shed. I have allergies myself but never have any allergy attacks around the xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx me through email @ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
We have 2 beautiful puppies for loving homes. The mom is Bichon Frise Bichon Frise, and Dad is Bichon Frise. They are Hypoallergenic and non shedding. The parents are both healthy dogs and loving pets. There very smart and love everyone. The puppies have there first shot and xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx me for more detail @ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Pomeranian males
Pomeranian males wolfsable and chocolate. Puppies where born jan 29th and will be ready march 26th puppies will be dewormed first puppy shots vet checked before leaving us. For more information call or text katie at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Rehoming my Pitbull
1.5 years old, not fixed, never bread very sweet pitbull. Shes good with other dogs and kids. Shes house trained. Up to date on all shots. Reason im rehoming her is because i have to start traveling for work and cant take her with me. UKC papers in hand.View Detail
French Bulldog
We have one male left from this litter. He is a registered AKC French Bulldog. We are located in Northport AL. He was Born August 1 and came from a litter of 6. Mom is Brindle. Dad is Blue. He is a White/Fawn Male. He is microchipped, will come with a kennel, food, blanket, and toys when he is sent home along with AKC registration paperwork. He's up to date on all of his shots and we will send home a health record from vet. He was born August 1. I am happy to answer any questions and you are welcome to come see him.View Detail
Hello looking for a good home for my puppy. I just don't have time to take care of her like I want. I'm asking for $850. She is 4 months old. Female Aussiedoodle. She has papers just need to change my name to yours.View Detail
Puppy For Sale
Hello my name is Nova, and I am looking for a nice home to relocate too. Very smart, energetic friendly puppyView Detail
Female Pomsky
She was born 7/9/2022. She weighs about 6.5 lbs. she is kennel trained and will use the pee pad. Mom is a 47 lb AKC Siberian Husky and dad is a6 lb AKC Pomeranian. She is up to date on vaccinations.View Detail
Two male Pomeranian puppies looking for the furever homes.
Two sweet male puppies for sale. They boys are six weeks old and will be ready for their new homes soon. One of the guys is a sandy white and the other is a sandy multi color. They are CKC registered. There will be a picture of mother and father in this post. The mother is a sandy white and the father is a beautiful chocolate color. You may contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Pit/Huskies mix
Pit bull mixed with Husky. 3 black, 2 white, and 3 brown; all with blue eyes. Available now. Text me at +xxxxxxxxxxx.View Detail
Golden Doodle For Sale
16 week old Golden Doodle F1B for sale. All shots are up to date. He's a very loving and playful puppy.View Detail
AKC French Bulldog Puppies
We will have AKC Registered French Bulldog Puppies here at the end of the month (July 2022). They will have all of their shots and vet checkups prior to going to their new home. The mom is a Brindle and Dad is Blue. We are located in Alabama. Check out our Facebook group Roll Tide Roll French Bulldogs. You're welcome to message me with additional questions.https://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/groups/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/?ref=share_group_linkView Detail
Goldendoodle (F1B)
Father-Bloodline Champion(White)Standard Poodle with pedigree and AKC registered.With his mom and dad past champion show winning,absolutely beautiful.Mother-Black/silver GoldendoodleView Detail
3 english mastiff puppies available
have 3 english mastiff puppies available located in tuscaloosa AlView Detail
American Bully
Hey , My name is zo &i am 6months looking for a new loving home ....View Detail
Puppies for sale
Beautiful Boston terrier puppies for sale. AKC registered. All shots and deworming.View Detail
Mini Dachshund puppies
I have two male mini Dachshund will be vet checked shots dewormed and working on pad training we have 1 chocolate and tan and 1 chocolate dapple we are located in TuscaloosacountyView Detail
Goldendoodles f1b
gxldendxxdles fxb ready march xx. lxcated in tuscalxxsa al. puppies will be wxrmed first puppy shxts vet checked and started xn heart wxrm preventixn. fxr mxre infx call us at x x x x x x x x x x.View Detail
Goldendoodle f1b
Goldendoodles f1b males and females. Born Jan 13th ready march 10th. Puppies will be wormed first puppy shots vet checked. Puppies are 1500 now taking deposits to hold your pick of litter call or text katie at xxx xxx xxx1View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Tuscaloosa
28th Street,
Puppies Available For Sale in Tuscaloosa
Alaskan Husky, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bichon Frise, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois), Boston Terrier, Chihuahua, Dachshund, English Springer Spaniel, English Bulldog, English Mastiff, French Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Doodle, Great Dane, German Shorthaired Pointer, Golden Retriever, Goldador, Goldendoodle, Havanese, Jack Russell Terrier, Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever, Mixed, Miniature Pinscher, Olde English Bulldogge, Pomeranian, Rat Terrier, Shepherd Husky, Shih Tzu, Siberian Husky, Toy Poodle, Whippet, Welsh Corgi, YorkiePoo, American Bully, Aussie Doodles, Pomsky, Double Doodle,