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- byWoodstock Witch
See what the stars have in store for your sign.

The simple act of observing your breath—paying attention to its natural rhythm, without trying to control it—serves as an anchor for the mind. The breath is always present—it’s our constant companion. By focusing on it, we program it to stay in the present moment. So, turn your gaze inwards, Aquarius. Cultivating stillness will empower you to achieve a state of equanimity through the ebb and flow. Sagittarius, we’re telling you something you already know: the connection you’ve manifested in your life is all kinds of magical. It’s the kind of connection that adds joy, beauty *and* depth to your life. ‘Course that doesn’t mean everything’s always picture-perfect. There are good days and bad days—and it’s all a part of the process. Weekly reminder, Cancer: what you sow is what you reap. So, clarify your intentions as you commit to the offer at hand wholeheartedly. Something tells us, you were born to flourish, baby! That said, you’ll find that your relationships are organically moving to the next level. That there’s a newfound sense of loyalty and commitment. Don’t take anything for granted, though. Have a conversation with “the other” about where you are and what you desire.
So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most!
Let’s talk about financial patterns, Aries. Are you noticing a cycle of splurging when you're down and out, or maybe delaying investments because you’re scared to commit? Start by recognising these habits for what they are—comfort zones that are no longer serving you. Challenge yourself to break free by setting clear financial goals, sticking to a budget that makes sense for you, and embracing new ways to save and invest. Remember, your story with money isn’t set in stone. You’re the author, and this chapter is all about growth + empowerment.
Cosmic tip: You’re being called to rewrite the story.
But, what is life without love, Taurus? What is life without the fellow unicorns who bring joy, beauty and sparkle into your story? Today, you’re being guided to honour the sacred threads that bind you together in your own unique manner. To let your fellow unicorns know just how special they are. As such, a birthday, a gathering or some sort of celebration may be on the cards for you this week—presenting you with the opportunity to connect with those you care about on a deeper level. Things on the love and romance front may feel a bit tricky, though, especially if a third party is involved. If you’re the third party in the equation, tread carefully, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: It’s all about joy and celebration right now!
Gemini, the Oracle is encouraging you to tap into your generous side. So, look for opportunities to lend a hand, whether it’s helping a friend in need, volunteering at an orphanage, or donating to a cause that’s close to your heart. Your acts of kindness will not only uplift others but also bring joy and a sense of fulfilment into your own life. ‘Course it’s not just about giving—receiving is just as important. So, be open to accepting help and kindness from others irrespective of the form in which it is offered to you. This balance of give and take keeps the energy flowing positively in our lives.
Cosmic tip: “Generosity” is your superpower right now.
Weekly reminder, Cancer: what you sow is what you reap. So, clarify your intentions as you commit to the offer at hand wholeheartedly. Something tells us, you were born to flourish, baby! That said, you’ll find that your relationships are organically moving to the next level. That there’s a newfound sense of loyalty and commitment. Don’t take anything for granted, though. Have a conversation with “the other” about where you are and what you desire.
Cosmic tip: Baby, you were born to flourish!
There comes a point in your journey where you can do as you have always done or you can course correct. Don’t be afraid to break the pattern, Leo. Know that you possess the power to write a brand new story for yourself. Remember, being honest with yourself is the first step. That said, the cards are also bringing your attention to a certain somebody who is the human equivalent of a red flag. Quick question: do you really want to give them yet another chance or let them live rent-free in your heard?
Cosmic tip: Start by being honest with yourself.
Buckle up, Virgo! Spirit is propelling you forward. Embrace the momentum and make the most of the dynamic energy surrounding you at this moment. The ability to think on your feet and seize opportunities as they present themselves will prove to be a superpower. What’s more, the opportunity to hop onto a jet plane or a magic bus may also present itself in the days to come. Honour the invitation to reconnect with your adventurous side as you let your inner GPS lead the way. Oh, and one more thing! Your network circle is expanding. It’s time to be out and about *and* and strengthen your connections. Just a reminder: building a diverse network will lead to unexpected collaborations and opportunities.
Cosmic tip: Make the most of the dynamic energy surrounding you at the moment.
This conversation isn’t about other people, Libra. It isn’t about the weight of other people’s expectations, either. It’s about what brings you joy and awakens the song of your soul. Living an authentic life means that you always run the risk of disappointing a few people, and that’s okay. Learning to follow your inner GPS no matter what will create a huge shift. That said, you’re being asked to exercise caution when it comes to your interpersonal relationship. To recognise how some people are in it merely for the “benefits”. Feeling depleted after an interaction is a sign that somebody is just bad news, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: Healthy boundaries are healthy.
The truth is, you’ve been so focused on helping others that you’ve forgotten to let yourself be held, be witnessed. Start by recognising and practising gratitude for the support you receive, no matter how small. When someone offers assistance or kind words, accept it with grace and gratitude as you feel the love. Remember, receiving is just as important as giving for it creates a beautiful balance in our lives. That said, you’re also being encouraged to connect with your tribe *and* open yourself to new connections. If social gatherings are starting to seem “fake” or “superficial”, consider attending a meditation/healing circle or volunteer for a cause you care deeply about.
Cosmic tip: Allow yourself to be held, to be witnessed.
We’re telling you something you already know: the connection you’ve manifested in your life is all kinds of magical. It’s the kind of connection that adds joy, beauty *and* depth to your life. ‘Course that doesn’t mean everything's always picture-perfect. There are good days and bad days—and it’s all a part of the process. What sets this relationship apart is your ability to handle discord and harmoniously balance the scales as and when required.
Cosmic tip: It’s all about balance and harmony.
Words of wisdom courtesy our spiritual bestie Eckhart Tolle: “Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” Mic drop, right? Capricorn, it’s not about obsessing over what’s next; it’s about finding peace right here, right now. Instead of descending into the rabbit hole of fear and anxiety, hold the vibration of what you’re calling in—whether that’s joy, success or abundance. Know that the universe is on your team and is doing everything it can to help you manifest your best, most expanded life!
Cosmic tip: Stay in the present and hold the vibration of what you are calling in.
The simple act of observing your breath—paying attention to its natural rhythm, without trying to control it—serves as an anchor for the mind. The breath is always present—it’s our constant companion. By focusing on it, we program it to stay in the present moment. This is crucial because, in the “now”, there is no space for anxiety about the future or regret over the past. We become aware of the transient nature of thoughts, emotions, and sensations, recognising them as passing phenomena rather than solid realities. So, turn your gaze inwards, Aquarius. Cultivating stillness will empower you to achieve a state of equanimity despite the ebb and flow.
Cosmic tip: Cultivate stillness.
It’s official, Pisces! The full moon later this month is going to open golden doors of opportunity and hand you a VIP pass to places that may not have been on your map in the past (we’re talking global expansion, baby!) Believe in yourself *and* your offerings. This will enable you to form long-lasting connections that will prove to be a source of wealth and abundance in the future. That said, “relocation” may also be a theme for some. If this is true in your case, prioritise research and get your paperwork in order.
Cosmic tip: Your future self will thank you for planning ahead!
- In this story
- Aquarius
- Aries
- Cancer
- Capricorn
- Gemini
- Leo
- Libra
- Pisces
- Sagittarius
- Scorpio
- Taurus
- Virgo
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