B-Stance RDL: A Step-by-Step Tutorial (2025)

By Chen ValeriePosted on August 8, 2023August 8, 2023

The B-Stance Romanian Deadlift (RDL) is an advanced variation of the traditional Romanian Deadlift that offers a challenging and effective way to target the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back while promoting stability and balance. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the mechanics of the B-Stance RDL, its benefits, detailed step-by-step instructions, common mistakes to avoid, programming recommendations, and frequently asked questions.

Understanding the B-Stance Romanian Deadlift

The B-Stance RDL is a unilateral exercise that requires you to stand with one foot slightly behind and to the side of the other foot while performing the Romanian Deadlift movement. This unique stance creates a “B” shape, which adds an element of instability and activates stabilizing muscles, making it an excellent option for advanced lifters seeking to improve strength and balance.

Benefits of the B-Stance RDL

  • Targeted Muscle Engagement: The B-Stance RDL places significant emphasis on the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, helping to develop strength and muscle definition in these areas;
  • Stability and Balance: The asymmetrical foot positioning challenges your balance, requiring your core and stabilizer muscles to work harder to maintain proper form;
  • Unilateral Strength Development: By training one leg at a time, the B-Stance RDL helps identify and address muscle imbalances, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall functional strength;
  • Injury Prevention: Strengthening the posterior chain through the B-Stance RDL can lead to improved stability in the lower back and hips, reducing the likelihood of injury during daily activities and sports;
  • Functional Movement: The B-Stance RDL replicates movements encountered in sports and daily life, making it a valuable exercise for functional strength development.

Proper Technique

B-Stance RDL: A Step-by-Step Tutorial (2)

Executing the B-Stance RDL with proper form is essential to maximize its benefits and minimize the risk of injury. Follow these step-by-step instructions:


Here’s what you’ll need for the B-Stance RDL:

Barbell/DumbbellsBased on your preference
Weight PlatesAppropriate for your strength level
Lifting PlatformOr any stable surface to perform the exercise on

Step 1: Starting Position

  • Feet Placement: Begin by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • B-Stance Formation: Position your dominant foot (usually the stronger one) in the center, and the other foot slightly behind and to the side at a comfortable angle, forming the “B” shape.

Step 2: Hand and Posture Alignment

  • Grip: Hold the barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs with a pronated (overhand) grip;
  • Posture: Maintain a neutral spine, engage your core, and keep your shoulders pulled back and down throughout the movement.

Step 3: The Descent

  • Hip Hinge: Initiate the descent by hinging at the hips, pushing your glutes back while slightly bending your knees;
  • Lowering the Weights: Lower the weights towards the floor, keeping them close to your body;
  • Balance with Non-Dominant Foot: Allow your non-dominant foot to lift slightly off the ground while keeping it in contact with the floor for balance.

Step 4: The Stretch

  • Feeling the Stretch: Lower the weights until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings without rounding your back excessively.

Step 5: The Ascent

  • Pause: Pause briefly at the bottom position;
  • Return to Starting Position: Return to the starting position by engaging your glutes and hamstrings.

Key Tips and Safety Considerations

  • Always Warm Up: Ensure that you warm up properly before attempting this exercise;
  • Weight Selection: Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to perform the exercise with proper form;
  • Avoid Hyperextension: Do not hyperextend your back at the top of the movement;
  • Breathing Technique: Inhale during the descent and exhale as you return to the starting position.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

B-Stance RDL: A Step-by-Step Tutorial (3)

Even though the B-Stance RDL can be highly effective, performing it incorrectly may lead to suboptimal results or injury. Avoid the following common mistakes:

1. Rounded Back

A rounded back during the B-Stance RDL can create unnecessary strain on the spinal column. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Correct Posture: Maintain a neutral spine;
  • Why it Matters: A rounded back alters the natural curvature of the spine, leading to potential discomfort or injury;
  • How to Correct: Focus on keeping your chest up and shoulders back. Engage your lats and imagine pulling your shoulder blades together.

Rounded Back Correction

Neutral SpineAlign your spine in its natural curve without over-arching.
Engage LatsActivate the muscles in your back to support your spine.
Chest UpFocus on lifting your chest, keeping your upper back engaged.

2. Knee Bending

Bending your knees excessively.

  • Target Muscles: The B-Stance RDL targets the hamstrings and glutes;
  • Common Mistake: Excessive knee bending shifts the focus to the quadriceps;
  • Correction Method: Maintain a slight bend in the knees to keep the emphasis on the hamstrings and glutes.

3. Incorrect Foot Placement

  • What is the B-Stance?: Your non-dominant foot is positioned behind and to the side at a comfortable angle, creating the “B” stance;
  • Mistake: Placing the foot incorrectly alters the stability and effectiveness of the exercise;
  • How to Correct: Ensure your foot is aligned correctly, with toes pointing slightly outwards and heel off the ground.

Proper Foot Placement in B-Stance RDL

Behind & SideNon-dominant foot positioned at a comfortable angle
Toes Pointing OutHelps in maintaining balance
Heel Off the GroundEnsures proper engagement of the target muscles

4. Poor Core Engagement

  • Why Core Engagement Matters: Engaging your core stabilizes the entire body during the exercise;
  • Common Mistake: Lack of core engagement can compromise your stability;
  • How to Correct: Keep your core tight throughout the movement.

Programming the B-Stance RDL

Incorporating the B-Stance RDL into your training program requires strategic planning to optimize its benefits. Below is a sample eight-week program to integrate the exercise into your routine:

WeekTraining FrequencySets x RepetitionsRest Between Sets
Week 1-22 times per week3 x 10 each leg60 seconds
Week 3-42 times per week4 x 8 each leg60 seconds
Week 5-63 times per week4 x 6 each leg45 seconds
Week 7-83 times per week5 x 5 each leg45 second


The B-Stance Romanian Deadlift is a dynamic exercise that offers an effective means of targeting the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back while promoting stability and balance. By mastering the proper technique and incorporating it into a well-structured training program, you can experience the numerous benefits it has to offer. Remember that patience and consistency are essential when undertaking advanced exercises like the B-Stance RDL. Always prioritize safety, and if you have any concerns or limitations, seek advice from a qualified fitness professional or healthcare provider.


Is the B-Stance RDL suitable for beginners?

While the B-Stance RDL is an advanced variation, beginners can attempt it. However, it’s essential to start with light weights and focus on perfecting the technique before increasing the resistance.

Can I use dumbbells instead of a barbell for the B-Stance RDL?

Yes, you can perform the B-Stance RDL with either dumbbells or a barbell. Dumbbells offer a more natural range of motion and are particularly useful if you have one side weaker than the other.

How frequently should I include the B-Stance RDL in my workouts?

For optimal results, aim to incorporate the B-Stance RDL 2-3 times per week into your strength training routine. Remember to allow adequate rest between sessions to facilitate muscle recovery.

Can the B-Stance RDL help with lower back pain?

The B-Stance RDL can help strengthen the muscles in the lower back and hips, potentially reducing the risk of lower back pain. However, if you have existing lower back issues, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

How can I progress the B-Stance RDL?

You can progress the B-Stance RDL by gradually increasing the resistance (weight) or the number of sets and reps. Additionally, you can try performing the exercise on an unstable surface, like a balance pad, to further challenge your stability and balance.

Categories: Sporty lifestyle

B-Stance RDL: A Step-by-Step Tutorial (2025)


B-Stance RDL: A Step-by-Step Tutorial? ›

Something else you might appreciate about the B-stance Romanian deadlift is that it is a partially unilateral exercise. Once again, it's not totally unilateral, because you're still using your other leg for support and to hold a bit of the weight.

How to properly do B stance RDLs? ›

Showdown: B-Stance RDL vs. Single Leg RDL
  1. As usual, hold the weight in both hands, and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hinge back with your hips, keeping a neutral spine. ...
  3. The working leg should remain bent, and your pelvis should remain neutral as you lower the weight.
Jan 29, 2024

Do you have to switch legs for B stance RDLs? ›

Something else you might appreciate about the B-stance Romanian deadlift is that it is a partially unilateral exercise. Once again, it's not totally unilateral, because you're still using your other leg for support and to hold a bit of the weight.

Why do I feel B stance RDL in my back? ›

Poor form is one of the most common reasons people experience lower back pain from RDLs. Not engaging your core or activating your glutes can result in back pain when doing RDLs or B-Stance RDLs. You should feel like you're pulling back and away from the bar instead of just straight up.

Are you supposed to bend your knees on RDL? ›

Slight knee bend is ok, but your knees should not continue to bend as you lower the bar. Bending the knees shortens the hamstrings, and our goal is to lengthen the hamstrings. So keep those legs mostly straight! Not maintaining contact between the bar and your legs.

Should feet be together or apart for RDL? ›

Feet should be hip width apart and hands should be grabibing the bar just wider than hip width. Make sure to stand all the way up (deadlift the weight) and roll those shoulders back and down to be ready to start your RDL.

Is B-stance RDL better for glutes? ›

B-stance RDLs will primarily target the gluteus maximus, your main butt muscle. But they will also hit your hamstrings and spinal erectors (the muscles in your lower back). Your core, of course, has to brace your spine throughout the whole movement, so you could argue that any RDL is an ab workout too.

What is the difference between B-stance and split stance? ›

What is the difference between B-stance and split stance exercises? B-stance exercises involve having one foot in front of the other, with the back foot just slightly behind the front foot. Split stance exercises involve having one foot in front of the other, but further apart.

How do you set up a b stance hip thrust? ›

Here's how to do b-stance hip thrusts correctly:
  1. To start with, find a bench, step or box that you can lean against and thrust up with your knees bent at 90 degrees.
  2. Slide under your weighted barbell or hold a dumbbell on the front of your hips.
  3. Place legs hip width apart and tilt your knees slightly outwards.

What is the best position for RDLS? ›

Keep the arms straight and relaxed to allow the lower body to handle the load. The knees remain slightly flexed as the hips move backward. The shoulders move forward as the hips move backward and remain directly over, or in front of, the bar.

Are you supposed to squeeze glutes during RDLS? ›

To fully engage your glutes in a RDL, think about squeezing them as if you're trying to hold a penny between your butt cheeks when you press back up to the standing position. Continue to squeeze your glutes when you return to the starting position before beginning the next rep.

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