8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More (2024)

At 8 weeks pregnant, you can experience some typical symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, sore breasts, fatigue, or heartburn. You might notice a small amount of weight gain.

Congratulations! You’re 8 weeks pregnant. Things are really revving up now.

There’s a lot happening for both you and your baby this week. Keep reading to learn more about all the changes in your body and in baby, plus find out when you need to call your doctor.

You may start to notice that your clothes fit more snugly as you move toward the end of your first trimester. Weight gain is typically only a couple of pounds, if any, at this point, but your uterus is slowly expanding to make room for your baby’s rapid development.

Your breasts may also feel full and tender, perhaps even tingly.

Blood volume increases 45 percent during pregnancy. So, beyond what you see at the surface, all your systems are working on overdrive.

Changes and discomforts, even at this early stage, are happening as your body adapts to its new demands. But it’s amazingly up to the challenge.

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Your little one might already be half an inch long, or 11 to 14 millimeters. They grow up so fast, right?

By now, your baby looks more and more like the newborn you’ll bring home from the hospital. Their body has sprouted tiny arms and legs, fingers and toes, bones, and muscles. The embryonic tail is almost gone.

Their unique facial features continue to develop along with all of their inner workings and organs.

Your baby’s upper jaw and nose are beginning to take shape, which means their facial features won’t be a mystery much longer! Little mounds are present where the outer shell of their ears will be, and eyelid folds now partially cover their eyes.

And though you can’t feel it yet, your little one is constantly moving in fits and starts.

It’s not just all physical growth either. Nerve cells in their brain are beginning to form early neural pathways and your baby’s sense of smell is starting to take shape!

8 weeks pregnant: What to expect

  • You may start to feel bloated, and your breasts may start to grow.
  • Baby’s unique facial features continue to develop, along with all of their inner workings and organs.
  • Morning sickness may still happen this week.
  • You’ll want to keep eating well and being safely active.
  • If you have any symptoms that are out of the ordinary (read on for “ordinary” below!), talk with your doctor.

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You may have found out that you’re carrying twins (or more!). By the end of week 8, your babies will measure around half an inch long.

They’re also starting to look more like real babies. Their arms are lengthening, their ears are forming, and even their upper lip and nose have sprouted out.

You’ll need even more nutrients than someone carrying one baby. These include:

  • calcium
  • folic acid
  • iron
  • protein

Some women carrying multiples have more intense symptoms and a higher likelihood of complications. Talk with your doctor if you feel anything is awry or have questions.

By 8 weeks pregnant, you’re probably no stranger to pregnancy symptoms. Symptoms you’ve already been experiencing may continue during this week, and some new ones may join the mix. Common pregnancy symptoms for your eighth week of pregnancy include:

Morning sickness

While it’s called morning sickness, the truth is that many people experience nausea throughout the entire day during pregnancy. (It may help to hang onto the hope that this frequently gets better within the next 3 to 4 weeks.)

Morning sickness is caused by rising hormone levels, which frequently peak around week 10 of your pregnancy.

If morning sickness feels more intense than you expected, tell your doctor. It can be a sign of hyperemesis gravidarum — especially if:

  • You can’t even keep fluids down. o
  • Your urine is dark yellow, a sign of concentration due to lack of fluid intake.
  • You’re not urinating at all.

Eating small, frequent meals can help regulate blood sugar and ease nausea. Snacking on ginger and peppermint or consuming more protein may also help you feel better.

Because you may be feeling nauseous and not keeping down all the food you eat, it’s not uncommon to have minimal weight gain at this point in your pregnancy.

In fact, some women lose a small amount of weight due to morning sickness. Your doctor will want to keep track of this to make sure you and your growing baby are staying healthy.


Chances are you’ve already been feeling pretty tired. Thanks to high progesterone hormone levels and the extra blood flow of nutrients to the baby, fatigue will likely continue this week.

Make sure to rest when you need to. Getting some light exercise and consuming a balanced diet can help your body’s energy supply, too.

Sore or tender breasts

The hormones helping your body grow a baby are also helping your breasts to prepare for breastfeeding or chestfeeding. This means that your breasts are growing and more blood is flowing to them, which can be uncomfortable.

If you wear a bra, your old ones might not be fitting properly. Finding new ones that accommodate your changing breasts may help with the pain and tenderness. Lotion or oil may help the stretching skin feel more comfortable, too.


Progesterone is a hormone helping your baby grow safely inside you, but it’s also a muscle relaxer.

One muscle it can impact is the lower esophageal valve, which separates your esophagus from your stomach. This can mean that you find a bit of stomach acid coming up your esophagus, especially if you choose a reclined position after eating.

To help with heartburn, you may want to try:

  • eating smaller meals
  • sleeping in a more upright position
  • avoiding lying down right after a meal

This symptom may stick around for a while — it’s common throughout the second and third trimesters, too. If it’s very uncomfortable, you can speak with your doctor about medications.

Frequent urination

Pregnancy hormones may be kicking your kidneys into high gear, causing them to produce more urine.

If frequent bathroom visits are getting to be too much, you may want to reduce the amount of caffeine you’re drinking. You may also want to try going to the bathroom right before heading to bed for the night to maximize the amount of time before you need a bathroom break while sleeping.

Difficulty sleeping

As exhausted as you are, you might find yourself up frequently at night. Difficulty sleeping during pregnancy can be due to hormone surges, the need to urinate, heartburn, nausea, or discomfort from other pregnancy symptoms.

You may want to try meditating and not using electronic devices right before bedtime. Pregnancy pillows can also make your bed more comfortable as pregnancy progresses.

There’s a broad range of symptoms from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. If anything feels extreme or makes you unusually uncomfortable, call your doctor to get some reassurance or suggestions.

You may be concerned if your pregnancy symptoms seem to disappear or change unexpectedly.

While there is a chance that a sudden change in pregnancy symptoms can signal a miscarriage, it can also be the result of the typical hormonal fluctuations that come with pregnancy. It’s not uncommon for morning sickness and other early pregnancy symptoms to decline or change as the end of the first trimester approaches.

If you’re worried that something is wrong, you should reach out to a healthcare professional. They can offer reassurance, diagnostic testing, and helpful advice. You should let them know during your prenatal appointments what symptoms you’re experiencing and if symptoms have changed.

As you navigate your eighth week of pregnancy, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds, so you’ll want to consider:

  • attending or scheduling your first prenatal medical visit
  • exercising regularly
  • eating healthy (avoiding foods your doctor advises against)
  • avoiding alcohol and smoking

Your first prenatal checkup

If you haven’t had one, it’s time to get your first prenatal checkup. You’ll want to schedule an appointment with an OB-GYN or midwife if you haven’t yet.

At the appointment, you’ll likely give a urine sample to confirm pregnancy, provide your medical history, get a pelvic exam, and discuss your thoughts and concerns.

You may even have an early ultrasound to measure your baby’s growth and heart rate and determine their due date.

It’s helpful to bring a list of questions to this appointment. There isn’t a right or wrong thing to ask. Here are some suggestions:

  • Are the medications or supplements I’m taking still OK?
  • What types of exercises are safe during pregnancy?
  • Are there any activities or foods I should avoid?
  • Is my pregnancy considered high risk?
  • What tests should I consider throughout my pregnancy?
  • What should I do if I feel that something is wrong?

Exercise in the first trimester

Exercise is another way you can take care of your body and baby during this stage. If you were active before conceiving, it’s usually safe to continue most of your usual activities, but you’ll want to check with your doctor. A healthcare professional may suggest alternatives for activities with a high risk of falling or injury.

You may want to consider adding some exercises for your pelvic floor, like Kegel exercises, to your workout routine.

Eating healthy in the first trimester

Part of healthy eating during pregnancy is remembering to take a prenatal vitamin. You can ask your healthcare professional for recommendations during your first checkup. You’ll also want to make sure that you’re drinking enough water.

Raw fish, unpasteurized milk products, and deli meats are generally not advised during pregnancy. Your healthcare professional may also speak to you about reducing the amount of caffeine you’re consuming.

Sudden loss of symptoms doesn’t always mean there’s something amiss with your pregnancy. In fact, sore breasts and nausea can come and go.

That said, if you feel different or have some other reason for concern, call your doctor. Signs of a miscarriage can include anything from vagin*l spotting or bleeding to cramping or passing tissue from the vagin*.

There may also be no signs of miscarriage. Some people discover a miscarriage at their first ultrasound appointment.

Researchers estimate that 15 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first trimester.

The situation can feel quite devastating, but know that you’re not alone in experiencing this. More often than not, miscarriages are caused by chromosomal anomalies and are in no way under your control.

The good news: Once your baby reaches 8 weeks, your miscarriage risk lowers to around 1.5 percent, according to one 2008 study.

That just about sums up week 8. Continue eating well, abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol, and safely being active.

Consider keeping a journal about your pregnancy. Snap a few photos and jot down notes to remember this special time in your life. It may not feel like it now, but the next 32 weeks will go by in a flash.

8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More (2024)


8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More? ›

8 weeks pregnant: What to expect

How do I know if my pregnancy is going well at 8 weeks? ›

At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby undergoes rapid growth and development. Their brain, spine, and heart will start to form, amongst other changes. You may experience morning sickness, mood swings, and headaches. If you are concerned about any of your symptoms, or lack of symptoms, ask a health professional about it.

How can I feel better at 8 weeks pregnant? ›

Beating the pregnancy blues

There may be times when you feel anxious and stressed. Look after yourself and get as much rest as you can. Try to eat 6 small healthy meals a day. You could also experiment with mindfulness.

How should my stomach feel at 8 weeks pregnant? ›

Abdominal bloating

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have just before their period. That's why your clothes may feel more snug than usual at the waistline, even early on when your uterus is still relatively small.

What changes in 8 weeks of pregnancy? ›

You at 8 weeks

Your womb has grown to the size of a lemon by the time you're around 7 or 8 weeks pregnant. You're probably feeling tired. Your breasts might feel sore and enlarged, and you're probably needing to pee more often than usual. You'll probably have missed your second period.

Can you tell if a pregnancy is viable at 8 weeks? ›

It's typically not until a woman is six weeks pregnant that any part of the fetus is visible, which allows the doctor to determine whether a pregnancy will be viable. Because of this, it's important that women understand what information their ultrasound can and cannot provide at certain times during their pregnancy.

How do you know if your pregnancy is progressing normally? ›

Consistent Growth Patterns. Good growth and development is the surest manner to keep track that your foetus is developing into a healthy baby. Having regular antenatal care helps your healthcare practitioner to plot your baby's development and ensure that growth milestones are being achieved.

Can you have a baby bump at 8 weeks? ›

At 8 weeks pregnant, showing a bit can be normal, but not showing is, too! That's because every mom and baby are different. Know that inside your 8 weeks pregnant belly your uterus is expanding, but it just takes longer for some to show it on the outside.

Why don't I feel pregnant anymore at 8 weeks? ›

It's not uncommon for morning sickness and other early pregnancy symptoms to decline or change as the end of the first trimester approaches. If you're worried that something is wrong, you should reach out to a healthcare professional.

Which gender causes extreme tiredness during early pregnancy? ›

A recent study suggests that carrying a male or female foetus could lead to different immune responses in pregnant women. Pregnant women carrying girls have a greater chance of experiencing nausea and fatigue, according to the results of a study from the USA's Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Can I sleep on my belly at 8 weeks pregnant? ›

As your pregnancy progresses and the size of your uterus increases, you may find it harder to get comfortable in bed. Early on in pregnancy, you can sleep on your stomach. Eventually, that position can become uncomfortable. But it's OK to sleep on your stomach if it is comfortable.

Why do I feel so uncomfortable at 8 weeks pregnant? ›

Mild cramping or feeling like your period is coming at 8 weeks pregnant (and beyond) can be associated with the continued growth of your uterus. If the symptoms are severe, consult your healthcare provider to rule out problems. Back pain. By the time you're 8 weeks pregnant, lower back pain may strike.

What are the odds of miscarriage at 8 weeks? ›

The risk of miscarriage drops significantly as pregnancy progresses. In one study, researchers found a miscarriage rate of 9.4 percent at 6 weeks of pregnancy, 4.2 percent at 7 weeks, 1.5 percent at 8 weeks, 0.5 percent at 9 weeks and 0.7 percent at 10 weeks.

What is my fetus doing at 8 weeks? ›

Your Baby's Development

The eyes are becoming more obvious because they've begun to develop pigment (color) in the retina (back of the eye). Also, the intestines are getting longer and there isn't enough room for them in the baby's abdomen, so they protrude into the umbilical cord until week 12.

Is 8 weeks too early to announce pregnancy? ›

When it comes to sharing the news with peripheral friends, colleagues, or on social media, Dr. Sabato suggests waiting toward the end of the first trimester or beginning of the second trimester.

What is interesting about being 8 weeks pregnant? ›

Your baby when you're 8 weeks pregnant
  • The embryo is about 1.2 cm long from head to tail.
  • The eyes have formed underneath a layer of skin. ...
  • Webbed fingers are taking shape.
  • The reproductive organs are developing, but it's too early to tell whether you're having a girl or a boy.
Nov 3, 2023

How strong should a pregnancy test be at 8 weeks? ›

hCG blood levels by week
Length of pregnancyAverage hCG levels in blood during pregnancy
5 weeks200 - 7,000 µ/L
6 weeks200 - 32,000 µ/L
7 weeks3,000 - 160,000 µ/L
8 - 12 weeks32,000 - 210,000 µ/L
4 more rows

When should I be worried about 8 weeks pregnant? ›

Spotting (light bleeding) and discharge can be normal at 8 weeks pregnant, and you may notice these symptoms when you wipe. However, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you feel at all concerned and call right away if you notice heavier bleeding or abnormal discharge. Fatigue.

Is it common to lose pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks? ›

It's not uncommon for morning sickness and other early pregnancy symptoms to decline or change as the end of the first trimester approaches. If you're worried that something is wrong, you should reach out to a healthcare professional. They can offer reassurance, diagnostic testing, and helpful advice.

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